Source code for tonos_ts4.global_functions

import os
import base64
import hashlib

from . import globals as g
from .globals import GRAM, EMPTY_CELL
from .util import *
from .address import *
from .abi import *
from . import ts4

[docs]def version(): """Returns current version of TestSuite4. :return: Current version :rtype: str """ return g.G_VERSION
[docs]def reset_all(): """Resets entire TS4 state. Useful when starting new testset. """ g.core.reset_all() g.QUEUE = [] g.EVENTS = [] g.ALL_MESSAGES = [] g.NICKNAMES = dict()
[docs]def set_tests_path(path): """Sets the directory where the system will look for compiled contracts. :param str path: The path to contract artifacts """ g.G_TESTS_PATH = path
[docs]def init(path, verbose = False, time = None): """Initializes the library. :param str path: Directory where the artifacts of the used contracts are located :param bool verbose: Toggle to print additional execution info :param num time: Time in seconds (unixtime). TS4 uses either real-clock or virtual time. Once you set time you switch to the virtual time mode. """ script_path = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) path = os.path.join( script_path if not os.path.isabs(path) else '', path ) set_tests_path(path) set_verbose(verbose) if time is not None: g.core.set_now(time)
[docs]def set_verbose(verbose = True): """Sets verbosity mode. When verbosity is enabled all the messages and some additional stuff is printed to console. Useful for debugging. :param bool verbose: Toggle to print additional execution info """ g.G_VERBOSE = verbose
[docs]def set_stop_at_crash(do_stop): """Sets `G_STOP_AT_CRASH` global flag. By default the system stops at the first exception (unexpected exit code) raised by a contract. Use `expect_ec` parameter if you expected an exception in a given call. When `G_STOP_AT_CRASH` is disabled the system only warns user and does not stop. :param bool do_stop: Toggle for crash stop mode """ g.G_STOP_AT_CRASH = do_stop
[docs]def verbose_(msg): """Helper function to show text colored red in console. Useful when debugging. :param str msg: String message to be printed """ verbose(msg, show_always = True, color_red = True)
[docs]def verbose(msg, show_always = False, color_red = False): """Helper function to print text message in verbose mode. :param str msg: String message to be printed :param bool show_always: When enabled forces to show message even when verbose mode is off :param bool color_red: Emphasize the message in color """ if g.G_VERBOSE or show_always: if color_red: msg = red(str(msg)) print(msg)
[docs]def pop_msg(): """Removes first message from the unprocessed messages g.QUEUE and returns it. :return: Object :rtype: Msg """ assert len(g.QUEUE) > 0 return g.QUEUE.pop(0)
[docs]def peek_msg(): """Returns first message from the unprocessed messages g.QUEUE and leaves the g.QUEUE unchanged. :return: Object :rtype: Msg """ assert len(g.QUEUE) > 0 return g.QUEUE[0]
[docs]def pop_event(): """Removes first event from the unprocessed events g.QUEUE and returns it. :return: Object :rtype: Msg """ assert len(g.EVENTS) > 0 return g.EVENTS.pop(0)
[docs]def peek_event(): """Returns first event from the unprocessed events g.QUEUE and leaves the g.QUEUE unchanged. :return: Object :rtype: Msg """ assert len(g.EVENTS) > 0 return g.EVENTS[0]
[docs]def queue_length(): """Returns the size of the unprocessed messages g.QUEUE. :return: g.QUEUE length :rtype: num """ return len(g.QUEUE)
[docs]def ensure_queue_empty(): """Checks if the unprocessed messages g.QUEUE is empty and raises an error if it is not. Useful for debugging. """ assert eq(0, len(g.QUEUE), msg = ('ensure_queue_empty() -'))
[docs]def dump_queue(): """Dumps messages g.QUEUE to the console. """ print(white("g.QUEUE:")) # revise print for i in range(len(g.QUEUE)): print(" {}: {}".format(i, g.QUEUE[i]))
def set_msg_filter(filter): if filter is True: filter = lambda msg: True if filter is False: filter = None globals.G_MSG_FILTER = filter
[docs]def register_nickname(addr, nickname): """Registers human readable name for a given address. This name is used in verbose output. :param Address addr: An address of the account :param str nickname: A nickname for the account """ Address.ensure_address(addr) globals.NICKNAMES[addr.str()] = nickname
[docs]def ensure_address(addr): """Raises an error if a given object is not of :class:`Address <Address>` class. :param Address addr: Object of class Address """ Address.ensure_address(addr)
[docs]def zero_addr(wc): """Creates a zero address instance in a given workchain. :param num wc: Workchain ID :return: Object :rtype: Address """ return Address.zero_addr(wc)
def format_addr(addr, compact = True): Address.ensure_address(addr) if addr.is_none(): return 'addr_none' addr = addr.str() s = addr[:10] if addr in globals.NICKNAMES: s = "{} ({})".format(globals.NICKNAMES[addr], s) else: if not compact: s = 'Addr({})'.format(s) return s def gen_addr(name, initial_data = None, keypair = None, wc = 0): """Generates contract addresss. :param str name: Name used to load contract's bytecode and ABI :param dict initial_data: Initial data for the contract (static members) :param keypair: Keypair containing private and public keys :param num wc: workchain_id to deploy contract to :return: Expected contract address :rtype: Address """ if keypair is not None: # TODO: copy-paste below! (private_key, pubkey) = keypair if pubkey is not None: assert pubkey[0:2] == '0x' pubkey = pubkey.replace('0x', '') else: (private_key, pubkey) = (None, None) abi = Abi(name) if initial_data is not None: initial_data = ts4.check_method_params(abi, '.data', initial_data) result = ts4.core.gen_addr( make_path(name, '.tvc'), abi.path_, ts4.json_dumps(initial_data) if initial_data is not None else None, pubkey, private_key, wc ) return Address(result)
[docs]def make_keypair(seed = None): """Generates random keypair. :param str seed: Seed to be used to generate keys. Useful when constant keypair is needed :return: The key pair :rtype: (str, str) """ if isinstance(seed, str): hash = hashlib.sha256(seed.encode('utf-8')) seed = decode_int('0x' + hash.hexdigest()) seed = seed % (2**64) (secret_key, public_key) = globals.core.make_keypair(seed) public_key = '0x' + public_key return (secret_key, public_key)
def save_keypair(keypair, filename): """Saves keypair to file. :param keypair: Keypair to be saved :param str filename: File name """ d = dict( public = keypair[1].replace('0x', ''), secret = keypair[0] ) str = json.dumps(d, indent = 2) f = open(filename, "w") f.write(str) f.close() def load_keypair(filename): """Loads keypair from a file. :param str filename: File name :return: The loaded keypair :rtype: (str, str) """ with open(filename, 'rt') as f: j = json.load(f) public = j['public'] secret = j['secret'] return (secret, '0x' + public) def make_path(name, ext): fn = os.path.join(globals.G_TESTS_PATH, name) if not fn.endswith('.boc'): if not fn.endswith(ext): fn += ext return fn # TODO: Shouldn't this function return Cell?
[docs]def load_tvc(fn): """Loads a compiled contract image (`.tvc`) with a given name. :param str fn: The file name :return: Cell object loaded from a given file :rtype: Cell """ fn = make_path(fn, '.tvc') with open(fn, 'rb') as fp: str = base64.b64encode('utf-8') return Cell(str)
[docs]def load_code_cell(fn): """Loads contract code cell from a compiled contract image with a given name. :param str fn: The file name :return: Cell object containing contract's code cell :rtype: Cell """ fn = make_path(fn, '.tvc') return Cell(globals.core.load_code_cell(fn))
[docs]def load_data_cell(fn): """Loads contract data cell from a compiled contract image with a given name. :param str fn: The file name :return: Cell object containing contract's data cell :rtype: Cell """ fn = make_path(fn, '.tvc') return Cell(globals.core.load_data_cell(fn))
def grams(n): return '{:.3f}'.format(n / GRAM).replace('.000', '')
[docs]def ensure_balance(expected, got, dismiss = False, epsilon = 0, msg = None): """Checks the contract balance for exact match. In case of mismatch prints the difference in a convenient form. :param num expected: Expected balance value :param num got: Сurrent balance value :param bool dismiss: When False don't stop the execution in case of mismatch :param num epsilon: Allowed difference between requested and actual balances :param str msg: Optional message to print in case of mismatch """ if expected is None or got is None: assert eq(expected, got, dismiss = dismiss, msg = msg) return diff = got - int(expected) if abs(diff) <= epsilon: return xtra = ", diff = {}g ({})".format(grams(diff), diff) assert eq(int(expected), got, xtra = xtra, dismiss = dismiss, msg = msg)
[docs]def register_abi(contract_name): """Loads an ABI for a given contract without its construction. Useful when some contracts are deployed indirectly (i.e. from other contracts). :param str contract_name: The contract name the ABI of which should be uploaded """ fn = make_path(contract_name, '.abi.json') if globals.G_VERBOSE: print(blue("Loading ABI " + fn)) globals.core.set_contract_abi(None, fn)
[docs]def sign_cell(cell, private_key): """Signs cell with a given key and returns signature. :param Cell value: Cell to be signed :param str private_key: Hexadecimal representation of 1024-bits long private key :return: Hexadecimal string representing resulting signature :rtype: str """ assert isinstance(cell, Cell) assert isinstance(private_key, str) assert eq(128, len(private_key)) # TODO: check that it is hexadecimal number return globals.core.sign_cell(cell.raw_, private_key)
def encode_message_body(abi_name, method, params): """Encode given message body. :param str abi_name: The contract name the ABI of which should be used for encoding :param str method: A name of the encoded method :param dict params: A dictionary with parameters for the encoded method :return: Cell object containing encoded message :rtype: Cell """ abi_file = make_path(abi_name, '.abi.json') encoded = globals.core.encode_message_body( abi_file, method, ts4.json_dumps(params) ) return Cell(encoded)
[docs]def set_config_param(index, value): """Sets global config parameter. :param num index: Parameter index :param Cell value: Cell object containing desired value. """ assert isinstance(value, Cell) globals.core.set_config_param(index, value.raw_)
######################################################################################################### def get_all_runs(): return json.loads(globals.core.get_all_runs()) #########################################################################################################
[docs]def fix_abi(name, abi, callback): """Travels through given ABI calling a callback function for each node :param str name: Contract name :param dict abi: Contract ABI :param callback: Transformation function called for each node """ traveller = AbiTraversalHelper(name, abi) traveller.travel_fields(callback)
[docs]def set_contract_abi(contract, new_abi_name): """Sets new ABI for a given contract. Useful when contract code was upgraded. :param BaseContract contract: An instance of the contract where the ABI will be set :param str new_abi_name: Name of the file containing the ABI """ assert isinstance(contract, ts4.BaseContract) contract.abi = Abi(new_abi_name) globals.core.set_contract_abi(contract.addr.str(), contract.abi.path_)
######################################################################################################### def get_all_messages(show_all = False): def filter(msg): msg = Msg(msg) # TODO: support getters/answers assert isinstance(msg, Msg), "{}".format(msg) if show_all: return True return msg.is_type_in(['call', 'external_call', 'empty', 'event', 'unknown', 'log']) msgs = json.loads(globals.core.get_all_messages()) return [m for m in msgs if filter(m)] #########################################################################################################
[docs]def get_balance(addr): """Retrieves the balance of a given address. :param Address addr: The address of a contract :return: Current account balance :rtype: num """ Address.ensure_address(addr) return globals.core.get_balance(addr.str())