Source code for tonos_ts4.util

import sys
import re
import binascii

class BColors:
    HEADER = '\033[95m'
    OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
    BRIGHT_BLUE = '\033[94;1m'
    OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
    BRIGHT_GREEN = '\033[92;1m'
    RESET = '\033[90m'
    WARNING = '\033[93m'
    FAIL = '\033[91m'
    ENDC = '\033[0m'
    BOLD = '\033[1m'
    UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
    CYAN = '\033[36m'
    BRIGHT_CYAN = '\033[36;1m'
    WHITE = '\033[37m'

def colorize(color, text):
    if sys.stdout.isatty():
        return color + text + BColors.ENDC
        return text

def green(msg):        return colorize(BColors.OKGREEN,      str(msg))
def bright_green(msg): return colorize(BColors.BRIGHT_GREEN, str(msg))
def blue(msg):         return colorize(BColors.OKBLUE,       str(msg))
def bright_blue(msg):  return colorize(BColors.BRIGHT_BLUE,  str(msg))
def red(msg):          return colorize(BColors.FAIL,         str(msg))
def yellow(msg):       return colorize(BColors.WARNING,      str(msg))
def white(msg):        return colorize(BColors.BOLD,         str(msg))
def grey(msg):         return colorize(BColors.RESET,        str(msg))
def cyan(msg):         return colorize(BColors.CYAN,         str(msg))
def bright_cyan(msg):  return colorize(BColors.BRIGHT_CYAN,  str(msg))

def transform_structure(value, callback):
    if isinstance(value, dict):
        nd = {}
        for key, v in value.items():
            nd[key] = transform_structure(v, callback)
        return nd
    if isinstance(value, list):
        return [transform_structure(x, callback) for x in value]
    return callback(value)

[docs]def decode_int(v): """Decodes integer value from hex string. Helper function useful when decoding data from contracts. :param str v: Hexadecimal string :return: Decoded number :rtype: num """ if v[0:2] == '0x': return int(v.replace('0x', ''), 16) else: return int(v)
[docs]def str2bytes(s: str) -> str: """Converts string to hex representations. :param str s: A string to convert :return: Hexadecimal string :rtype: str """ assert isinstance(s, str), 'Expected string got {}'.format(s) ss = str(binascii.hexlify(s.encode()))[1:] return ss.replace("'", "")
[docs]def bytes2str(b: str) -> str: """Decodes utf-8 string from hex representation :param str b: Hexadecimal string to convert :return: Decoded string :rtype: str """ return binascii.unhexlify(b).decode('utf-8')
def make_secret_token(n): return '0x' + secrets.token_hex(n) def fix_uint256(s): assert s[0:2] == '0x', 'Expected hexadecimal, got {}'.format(s) t = s[2:] if len(t) < 64: s = '0x' + ('0' * (64-len(t))) + t return s
[docs]def eq(v1, v2, dismiss = False, msg = None, xtra = ''): """Helper function to check that two values are equal. Prints the message in case of mismatch, and optionally stops tests execution. :param Any v1: Expected value :param Any v2: Actual value :param bool dismiss: When False stops the entire execution in case of mismatch. When True only error message is shown :param str msg: Optional additional message to be printed in case of mismatch :param str xtra: Another optional additional message to be printed :return: Result of check :rtype: bool """ if v1 == v2: return True else: msg = '' if msg is None else msg + ' ' v1 = v1.__repr__() v2 = v2.__repr__() print(msg + red('exp: {}, got: {}.'.format(v1, v2)) + xtra) return True if dismiss else False
def either_or(value, default): return value if value is not None else default