This is the complete list of members for ISuperRoot, including all inherited members.
cloneWrappersConfig(address wrappers_cfg, uint128 wrapper_cfg_keep_evers, uint128 clone_deploy_evers, WICCloneEvers wic_evers, uint32 new_token_version, dict_array< address > wrapper_deployers) | ISuperRoot | |
deployFlex(uint128 deploy_evers, uint128 keep_evers, PairCloneEvers evers, address_opt old_flex, uint32 exchange_version, cell flex_code, cell xchg_pair_code, cell xchg_price_code, EversConfig ev_cfg, uint8 deals_limit) | ISuperRoot | |
deployUserDataConfig(uint128 deploy_evers, FlexVersion triplet, bind_info binding, cell user_data_cfg_code, cell flex_client_code, cell auth_index_code, cell user_id_index_code) | ISuperRoot | |
deployWrappersConfig(uint128 deploy_evers, uint128 wrappers_cfg_keep_evers, uint32 token_version, cell wrappers_cfg_code, cell wic_code) | ISuperRoot | |
getCurrentGlobalConfig() | ISuperRoot | |
getDetails() | ISuperRoot | |
getGlobalConfig(FlexVersion version) | ISuperRoot | |
onDeploy(cell global_config_code, cell flex_client_stub, address_opt prev_super_root) | ISuperRoot | |
proxy(cell msg, bool cant_work_during_update, bool starting_update) | ISuperRoot | |
release() | ISuperRoot | |
setFlags(opt< bool > stop_trade, opt< bool > abandon_ship, opt< bool > update_started) | ISuperRoot | |
setNextSuperRoot(address next_super_root) | ISuperRoot | |
setOwner(address owner) | ISuperRoot | |
setUpdateTeam(address_opt team) | ISuperRoot | |
transfer(address to, uint128 evers) | ISuperRoot | |
transferReserveTokens(address wrapper, uint128 tokens, address to) | ISuperRoot | |
update(uint128 cfg_deploy_evers, uint128 cfg_keep_evers, FlexVersion version, address wrappers_cfg, address flex, address user_cfg, string description) | ISuperRoot | |
updateConfirmed(FlexVersion version) | ISuperRoot |