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Type Aliases


Type Aliases

Abi: { type: "Contract" } & AbiContractVariant | { type: "Json" } & AbiJsonVariant | { type: "Handle" } & AbiHandleVariant | { type: "Serialized" } & AbiSerializedVariant
AbiConfig: { message_expiration_timeout?: number; message_expiration_timeout_grow_factor?: number; workchain?: number }

Type declaration

  • Optional message_expiration_timeout?: number

    Message lifetime for contracts which ABI includes "expire" header.


    Must be specified in milliseconds. Default is 40000 (40 sec).

  • Optional message_expiration_timeout_grow_factor?: number

    Factor that increases the expiration timeout for each retry


    Default is 1.5

  • Optional workchain?: number

    Workchain id that is used by default in DeploySet

AbiContract: { ABI version?: number; abi_version?: number; data?: AbiData[]; events?: AbiEvent[]; fields?: AbiParam[]; functions?: AbiFunction[]; header?: string[]; version?: string | null }

Type declaration

  • Optional ABI version?: number
  • Optional abi_version?: number
  • Optional data?: AbiData[]
  • Optional events?: AbiEvent[]
  • Optional fields?: AbiParam[]
  • Optional functions?: AbiFunction[]
  • Optional header?: string[]
  • Optional version?: string | null
AbiContractVariant: { value: AbiContract }

Type declaration

AbiData: { components?: AbiParam[]; key: number; name: string; type: string }

Type declaration

  • Optional components?: AbiParam[]
  • key: number
  • name: string
  • type: string
AbiEvent: { id?: string | null; inputs: AbiParam[]; name: string }

Type declaration

  • Optional id?: string | null
  • inputs: AbiParam[]
  • name: string
AbiFunction: { id?: string | null; inputs: AbiParam[]; name: string; outputs: AbiParam[] }

Type declaration

AbiHandle: number
AbiHandleVariant: { value: AbiHandle }

Type declaration

AbiJsonVariant: { value: string }

Type declaration

  • value: string
AbiParam: { components?: AbiParam[]; init?: boolean; name: string; type: string }

Type declaration

  • Optional components?: AbiParam[]
  • Optional init?: boolean
  • name: string
  • type: string
AbiSerializedVariant: { value: AbiContract }

Type declaration

AccountForExecutor: { type: "None" } & AccountForExecutorNoneVariant | { type: "Uninit" } & AccountForExecutorUninitVariant | { type: "Account" } & AccountForExecutorAccountVariant

Depends on type field.


Non-existing account to run a creation internal message. Should be used with skip_transaction_check = true if the message has no deploy data since transactions on the uninitialized account are always aborted


Emulate uninitialized account to run deploy message


Account state to run message

AccountForExecutorAccountVariant: { boc: string; unlimited_balance?: boolean }

Account state to run message

Type declaration

  • boc: string

    Account BOC.


    Encoded as base64.

  • Optional unlimited_balance?: boolean

    Flag for running account with the unlimited balance.


    Can be used to calculate transaction fees without balance check

AccountForExecutorNoneVariant: {}

Non-existing account to run a creation internal message. Should be used with skip_transaction_check = true if the message has no deploy data since transactions on the uninitialized account are always aborted

Type declaration

    AccountForExecutorUninitVariant: {}

    Emulate uninitialized account to run deploy message

    Type declaration

      AddressStringFormat: { type: "AccountId" } & AddressStringFormatAccountIdVariant | { type: "Hex" } & AddressStringFormatHexVariant | { type: "Base64" } & AddressStringFormatBase64Variant

      Depends on type field.

      AddressStringFormatAccountIdVariant: {}

      Type declaration

        AddressStringFormatBase64Variant: { bounce: boolean; test: boolean; url: boolean }

        Type declaration

        • bounce: boolean
        • test: boolean
        • url: boolean
        AddressStringFormatHexVariant: {}

        Type declaration

          AesInfo: { iv?: string; mode: CipherMode }

          Type declaration

          AesParamsEB: { iv?: string; key: string; mode: CipherMode }

          Type declaration

          AppRequestResult: { type: "Error" } & AppRequestResultErrorVariant | { type: "Ok" } & AppRequestResultOkVariant

          Depends on type field.


          Error occurred during request processing


          Request processed successfully

          AppRequestResultErrorVariant: { text: string }

          Error occurred during request processing

          Type declaration

          • text: string

            Error description

          AppRequestResultOkVariant: { result: any }

          Request processed successfully

          Type declaration

          • result: any

            Request processing result

          BindingConfig: { library?: string; version?: string }

          Type declaration

          • Optional library?: string
          • Optional version?: string
          BocCacheType: { type: "Pinned" } & BocCacheTypePinnedVariant | { type: "Unpinned" } & BocCacheTypeUnpinnedVariant

          Depends on type field.


          Pin the BOC with pin name.


          BOC is placed into a common BOC pool with limited size regulated by LRU (least recently used) cache lifecycle.

          BocCacheTypePinnedVariant: { pin: string }

          Pin the BOC with pin name.


          Such BOC will not be removed from cache until it is unpinned BOCs can have several pins and each of the pins has reference counter indicating how many times the BOC was pinned with the pin. BOC is removed from cache after all references for all pins are unpinned with cache_unpin function calls.

          Type declaration

          • pin: string
          BocCacheTypeUnpinnedVariant: {}

          BOC is placed into a common BOC pool with limited size regulated by LRU (least recently used) cache lifecycle.


          BOC resides there until it is replaced with other BOCs if it is not used

          Type declaration

            BocConfig: { cache_max_size?: number }

            Type declaration

            • Optional cache_max_size?: number

              Maximum BOC cache size in kilobytes.


              Default is 10 MB

            BoxEncryptionAlgorithm: { type: "ChaCha20" } & BoxEncryptionAlgorithmChaCha20Variant | { type: "NaclBox" } & BoxEncryptionAlgorithmNaclBoxVariant | { type: "NaclSecretBox" } & BoxEncryptionAlgorithmNaclSecretBoxVariant
            BoxEncryptionAlgorithmChaCha20Variant: { value: ChaCha20ParamsCB }

            Type declaration

            BoxEncryptionAlgorithmNaclBoxVariant: { value: NaclBoxParamsCB }

            Type declaration

            BoxEncryptionAlgorithmNaclSecretBoxVariant: { value: NaclSecretBoxParamsCB }

            Type declaration

            BuildInfoDependency: { git_commit: string; name: string }

            Type declaration

            • git_commit: string

              Git commit hash of the related repository.

            • name: string

              Dependency name.


              Usually it is a crate name.

            BuilderOp: { type: "Integer" } & BuilderOpIntegerVariant | { type: "BitString" } & BuilderOpBitStringVariant | { type: "Cell" } & BuilderOpCellVariant | { type: "CellBoc" } & BuilderOpCellBocVariant | { type: "Address" } & BuilderOpAddressVariant

            Cell builder operation.

            Depends on type field.


            Append integer to cell data.


            Append bit string to cell data.


            Append ref to nested cells.


            Append ref to nested cell.



            BuilderOpAddressVariant: { address: string }


            Type declaration

            • address: string

              Address in a common workchain:account or base64 format.

            BuilderOpBitStringVariant: { value: string }

            Append bit string to cell data.

            Type declaration

            • value: string

              Bit string content using bitstring notation. See TON VM specification 1.0.


              Contains hexadecimal string representation:

              • Can end with _ tag.
              • Can be prefixed with x or X.
              • Can be prefixed with x{ or X{ and ended with }.

              Contains binary string represented as a sequence of 0 and 1 prefixed with n or N.

              Examples: 1AB, x1ab, X1AB, x{1abc}, X{1ABC} 2D9_, x2D9_, X2D9_, x{2D9_}, X{2D9_} n00101101100, N00101101100

            BuilderOpCellBocVariant: { boc: string }

            Append ref to nested cell.

            Type declaration

            • boc: string

              Nested cell BOC encoded with base64 or BOC cache key.

            BuilderOpCellVariant: { builder: BuilderOp[] }

            Append ref to nested cells.

            Type declaration

            BuilderOpIntegerVariant: { size: number; value: any }

            Append integer to cell data.

            Type declaration

            • size: number

              Bit size of the value.

            • value: any

              Value: - Number containing integer number.


              e.g. 123, -123. - Decimal string. e.g. "123", "-123".

              • 0x prefixed hexadecimal string. e.g 0x123, 0X123, -0x123.
            CallSet: { function_name: string; header?: FunctionHeader; input?: any }

            Type declaration

            • function_name: string

              Function name that is being called. Or function id encoded as string in hex (starting with 0x).

            • Optional header?: FunctionHeader

              Function header.


              If an application omits some header parameters required by the contract's ABI, the library will set the default values for them.

            • Optional input?: any

              Function input parameters according to ABI.

            ChaCha20ParamsCB: { nonce: string }

            Type declaration

            • nonce: string

              96-bit nonce.


              Must be encoded with hex.

            ChaCha20ParamsEB: { key: string; nonce: string }

            Type declaration

            • key: string

              256-bit key.


              Must be encoded with hex.

            • nonce: string

              96-bit nonce.


              Must be encoded with hex.

            ClientConfig: { abi?: AbiConfig; binding?: BindingConfig; boc?: BocConfig; crypto?: CryptoConfig; local_storage_path?: string; network?: NetworkConfig; proofs?: ProofsConfig }

            Type declaration

            • Optional abi?: AbiConfig
            • Optional binding?: BindingConfig
            • Optional boc?: BocConfig
            • Optional crypto?: CryptoConfig
            • Optional local_storage_path?: string

              For file based storage is a folder name where SDK will store its data. For browser based is a browser async storage key prefix. Default (recommended) value is "~/.tonclient" for native environments and ".tonclient" for web-browser.

            • Optional network?: NetworkConfig
            • Optional proofs?: ProofsConfig
            ClientError: { code: number; data: any; message: string }

            Type declaration

            • code: number
            • data: any
            • message: string
            CryptoBoxHandle: number
            CryptoBoxSecret: { type: "RandomSeedPhrase" } & CryptoBoxSecretRandomSeedPhraseVariant | { type: "PredefinedSeedPhrase" } & CryptoBoxSecretPredefinedSeedPhraseVariant | { type: "EncryptedSecret" } & CryptoBoxSecretEncryptedSecretVariant

            Crypto Box Secret.

            Depends on type field.


            Creates Crypto Box from a random seed phrase. This option can be used if a developer doesn't want the seed phrase to leave the core library's memory, where it is stored encrypted.


            Restores crypto box instance from an existing seed phrase. This type should be used when Crypto Box is initialized from a seed phrase, entered by a user.


            Use this type for wallet reinitializations, when you already have encrypted_secret on hands. To get encrypted_secret, use get_crypto_box_info function after you initialized your crypto box for the first time.

            CryptoBoxSecretEncryptedSecretVariant: { encrypted_secret: string }

            Use this type for wallet reinitializations, when you already have encrypted_secret on hands. To get encrypted_secret, use get_crypto_box_info function after you initialized your crypto box for the first time.


            It is an object, containing seed phrase or private key, encrypted with secret_encryption_salt and password from password_provider.

            Note that if you want to change salt or password provider, then you need to reinitialize the wallet with PredefinedSeedPhrase, then get EncryptedSecret via get_crypto_box_info, store it somewhere, and only after that initialize the wallet with EncryptedSecret type.

            Type declaration

            • encrypted_secret: string

              It is an object, containing encrypted seed phrase or private key (now we support only seed phrase).

            CryptoBoxSecretPredefinedSeedPhraseVariant: { dictionary: MnemonicDictionary; phrase: string; wordcount: number }

            Restores crypto box instance from an existing seed phrase. This type should be used when Crypto Box is initialized from a seed phrase, entered by a user.


            This type should be used only upon the first wallet initialization, all further initializations should use EncryptedSecret type instead.

            Get encrypted_secret with get_crypto_box_info function and store it on your side.

            Type declaration

            CryptoBoxSecretRandomSeedPhraseVariant: { dictionary: MnemonicDictionary; wordcount: number }

            Creates Crypto Box from a random seed phrase. This option can be used if a developer doesn't want the seed phrase to leave the core library's memory, where it is stored encrypted.


            This type should be used upon the first wallet initialization, all further initializations should use EncryptedSecret type instead.

            Get encrypted_secret with get_crypto_box_info function and store it on your side.

            Type declaration

            CryptoConfig: { hdkey_derivation_path?: string; mnemonic_dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary; mnemonic_word_count?: number }

            Crypto config.

            Type declaration

            • Optional hdkey_derivation_path?: string

              Derivation path that will be used by default in crypto functions. If not specified m/44'/396'/0'/0/0 will be used.

            • Optional mnemonic_dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary

              Mnemonic dictionary that will be used by default in crypto functions. If not specified, English dictionary will be used.

            • Optional mnemonic_word_count?: number

              Mnemonic word count that will be used by default in crypto functions. If not specified the default value will be 12.

            DebotAction: { action_type: number; attributes: string; description: string; misc: string; name: string; to: number }

            UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Describes a debot action in a Debot Context.

            Type declaration

            • action_type: number

              Action type.

            • attributes: string

              Action attributes.


              In the form of "param=value,flag". attribute example: instant, args, fargs, sign.

            • description: string

              A short action description.


              Should be used by Debot Browser as name of menu item.

            • misc: string

              Some internal action data.


              Used by debot only.

            • name: string

              Depends on action type.


              Can be a debot function name or a print string (for Print Action).

            • to: number

              ID of debot context to switch after action execution.

            DebotActivity: { type: "Transaction" } & DebotActivityTransactionVariant

            UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Describes the operation that the DeBot wants to perform.

            Depends on type field.


            DeBot wants to create new transaction in blockchain.

            DebotActivityTransactionVariant: { dst: string; fee: bigint; msg: string; out: Spending[]; setcode: boolean; signing_box_handle: number; signkey: string }

            DeBot wants to create new transaction in blockchain.

            Type declaration

            • dst: string

              Target smart contract address.

            • fee: bigint

              Transaction total fee.

            • msg: string

              External inbound message BOC.

            • out: Spending[]

              List of spendings as a result of transaction.

            • setcode: boolean

              Indicates if target smart contract updates its code.

            • signing_box_handle: number

              Signing box handle used to sign external message.

            • signkey: string

              Public key from keypair that was used to sign external message.

            DebotHandle: number

            UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Handle of registered in SDK debot

            DebotInfo: { author?: string; caption?: string; dabi?: string; dabiVersion: string; hello?: string; icon?: string; interfaces: string[]; language?: string; name?: string; publisher?: string; support?: string; version?: string }

            UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Describes DeBot metadata.

            Type declaration

            • Optional author?: string

              The name of DeBot developer.

            • Optional caption?: string

              Short info about DeBot.

            • Optional dabi?: string

              String with DeBot ABI.

            • dabiVersion: string

              ABI version ("x.y") supported by DeBot

            • Optional hello?: string

              String with the first messsage from DeBot.

            • Optional icon?: string

              DeBot icon.

            • interfaces: string[]

              Vector with IDs of DInterfaces used by DeBot.

            • Optional language?: string

              String with DeBot interface language (ISO-639).

            • Optional name?: string

              DeBot short name.

            • Optional publisher?: string

              The name of DeBot deployer.

            • Optional support?: string

              TON address of author for questions and donations.

            • Optional version?: string

              DeBot semantic version.

            DecodedMessageBody: { body_type: MessageBodyType; header?: FunctionHeader; name: string; value?: any }

            Type declaration

            • body_type: MessageBodyType

              Type of the message body content.

            • Optional header?: FunctionHeader

              Function header.

            • name: string

              Function or event name.

            • Optional value?: any

              Parameters or result value.

            DecodedOutput: { out_messages: DecodedMessageBody | null[]; output?: any }

            Type declaration

            • out_messages: DecodedMessageBody | null[]

              Decoded bodies of the out messages.


              If the message can't be decoded, then None will be stored in the appropriate position.

            • Optional output?: any

              Decoded body of the function output message.

            DeploySet: { code?: string; initial_data?: any; initial_pubkey?: string; state_init?: string; tvc?: string; workchain_id?: number }

            Type declaration

            • Optional code?: string

              Contract code BOC encoded with base64.

            • Optional initial_data?: any

              List of initial values for contract's public variables.

            • Optional initial_pubkey?: string

              Optional public key that can be provided in deploy set in order to substitute one in TVM file or provided by Signer.


              Public key resolving priority:

              1. Public key from deploy set.
              2. Public key, specified in TVM file.
              3. Public key, provided by Signer.

              Applicable only for contracts with ABI version < 2.4. Contract initial public key should be explicitly provided inside initial_data since ABI 2.4

            • Optional state_init?: string

              State init BOC encoded with base64.

            • Optional tvc?: string

              Content of TVC file encoded in base64. For compatibility reason this field can contain an encoded StateInit.

            • Optional workchain_id?: number

              Target workchain for destination address.


              Default is 0.

            EncryptionAlgorithm: { type: "AES" } & EncryptionAlgorithmAESVariant | { type: "ChaCha20" } & EncryptionAlgorithmChaCha20Variant | { type: "NaclBox" } & EncryptionAlgorithmNaclBoxVariant | { type: "NaclSecretBox" } & EncryptionAlgorithmNaclSecretBoxVariant
            EncryptionAlgorithmAESVariant: { value: AesParamsEB }

            Type declaration

            EncryptionAlgorithmChaCha20Variant: { value: ChaCha20ParamsEB }

            Type declaration

            EncryptionAlgorithmNaclBoxVariant: { value: NaclBoxParamsEB }

            Type declaration

            EncryptionAlgorithmNaclSecretBoxVariant: { value: NaclSecretBoxParamsEB }

            Type declaration

            EncryptionBoxHandle: number
            EncryptionBoxInfo: { algorithm?: string; hdpath?: string; options?: any; public?: any }

            Encryption box information.

            Type declaration

            • Optional algorithm?: string

              Cryptographic algorithm, used by this encryption box

            • Optional hdpath?: string

              Derivation path, for instance "m/44'/396'/0'/0/0"

            • Optional options?: any

              Options, depends on algorithm and specific encryption box implementation

            • Optional public?: any

              Public information, depends on algorithm

            EndpointsSet: { endpoints: string[] }

            Type declaration

            • endpoints: string[]

              List of endpoints provided by server

            ExecutionOptions: { block_lt?: bigint; block_time?: number; blockchain_config?: string; chksig_always_succeed?: boolean; signature_id?: number; transaction_lt?: bigint }

            Type declaration

            • Optional block_lt?: bigint

              block logical time

            • Optional block_time?: number

              time that is used as transaction time

            • Optional blockchain_config?: string

              boc with config

            • Optional chksig_always_succeed?: boolean

              Overrides standard TVM behaviour. If set to true then CHKSIG always will return true.

            • Optional signature_id?: number

              Signature ID to be used in signature verifying instructions when CapSignatureWithId capability is enabled

            • Optional transaction_lt?: bigint

              transaction logical time

            FieldAggregation: { field: string; fn: AggregationFn }

            Type declaration

            • field: string

              Dot separated path to the field

            • fn: AggregationFn

              Aggregation function that must be applied to field values

            FunctionHeader: { expire?: number; pubkey?: string; time?: bigint }

            The ABI function header.


            Includes several hidden function parameters that contract uses for security, message delivery monitoring and replay protection reasons.

            The actual set of header fields depends on the contract's ABI. If a contract's ABI does not include some headers, then they are not filled.

            Type declaration

            • Optional expire?: number

              Message expiration timestamp (UNIX time) in seconds.


              If not specified - calculated automatically from message_expiration_timeout(), try_index and message_expiration_timeout_grow_factor() (if ABI includes expire header).

            • Optional pubkey?: string

              Public key is used by the contract to check the signature.


              Encoded in hex. If not specified, method fails with exception (if ABI includes pubkey header)..

            • Optional time?: bigint

              Message creation time in milliseconds.


              If not specified, now is used (if ABI includes time header).

            KeyPair: { public: string; secret: string }

            Type declaration

            • public: string

              Public key - 64 symbols hex string

            • secret: string

              Private key - u64 symbols hex string

            MessageMonitoringParams: { message: MonitoredMessage; user_data?: any; wait_until: number }

            Type declaration

            • message: MonitoredMessage

              Monitored message identification. Can be provided as a message's BOC or (hash, address) pair. BOC is a preferable way because it helps to determine possible error reason (using TVM execution of the message).

            • Optional user_data?: any

              User defined data associated with this message. Helps to identify this message when user received MessageMonitoringResult.

            • wait_until: number

              Block time Must be specified as a UNIX timestamp in seconds

            MessageMonitoringResult: { error?: string; hash: string; status: MessageMonitoringStatus; transaction?: MessageMonitoringTransaction; user_data?: any }

            Type declaration

            • Optional error?: string

              In case of Timeout contains possible error reason.

            • hash: string

              Hash of the message.

            • status: MessageMonitoringStatus

              Processing status.

            • Optional transaction?: MessageMonitoringTransaction

              In case of Finalized the transaction is extracted from the block. In case of Timeout the transaction is emulated using the last known account state.

            • Optional user_data?: any

              User defined data related to this message. This is the same value as passed before with MessageMonitoringParams or SendMessageParams.

            MessageMonitoringTransaction: { aborted: boolean; compute?: MessageMonitoringTransactionCompute; hash?: string }

            Type declaration

            • aborted: boolean

              Aborted field of the transaction.

            • Optional compute?: MessageMonitoringTransactionCompute

              Optional information about the compute phase of the transaction.

            • Optional hash?: string

              Hash of the transaction. Present if transaction was included into the blocks. When then transaction was emulated this field will be missing.

            MessageMonitoringTransactionCompute: { exit_code: number }

            Type declaration

            • exit_code: number

              Compute phase exit code.

            MessageNode: { bounce: boolean; decoded_body?: DecodedMessageBody; dst?: string; dst_transaction_id?: string; id: string; src?: string; src_transaction_id?: string; value?: string }

            Type declaration

            • bounce: boolean

              Bounce flag.

            • Optional decoded_body?: DecodedMessageBody

              Decoded body.


              Library tries to decode message body using provided params.abi_registry. This field will be missing if none of the provided abi can be used to decode.

            • Optional dst?: string

              Destination address.

            • Optional dst_transaction_id?: string

              Destination transaction id.


              This field is missing for an external outbound messages.

            • id: string

              Message id.

            • Optional src?: string

              Source address.

            • Optional src_transaction_id?: string

              Source transaction id.


              This field is missing for an external inbound messages.

            • Optional value?: string

              Transferred tokens value.

            MessageSendingParams: { boc: string; user_data?: any; wait_until: number }

            Type declaration

            • boc: string

              BOC of the message, that must be sent to the blockchain.

            • Optional user_data?: any

              User defined data associated with this message. Helps to identify this message when user received MessageMonitoringResult.

            • wait_until: number

              Expiration time of the message. Must be specified as a UNIX timestamp in seconds.

            MonitoredMessage: { type: "Boc" } & MonitoredMessageBocVariant | { type: "HashAddress" } & MonitoredMessageHashAddressVariant

            Depends on type field.


            BOC of the message.


            Message's hash and destination address.

            MonitoredMessageBocVariant: { boc: string }

            BOC of the message.

            Type declaration

            • boc: string
            MonitoredMessageHashAddressVariant: { address: string; hash: string }

            Message's hash and destination address.

            Type declaration

            • address: string

              Destination address of the message.

            • hash: string

              Hash of the message.

            MonitoringQueueInfo: { resolved: number; unresolved: number }

            Type declaration

            • resolved: number

              Count of resolved results.

            • unresolved: number

              Count of the unresolved messages.

            NaclBoxParamsCB: { nonce: string; their_public: string }

            Type declaration

            • nonce: string

              96-bit nonce.


              Must be encoded with hex.

            • their_public: string

              256-bit key.


              Must be encoded with hex.

            NaclBoxParamsEB: { nonce: string; secret: string; their_public: string }

            Type declaration

            • nonce: string

              96-bit nonce.


              Must be encoded with hex.

            • secret: string

              256-bit key.


              Must be encoded with hex.

            • their_public: string

              256-bit key.


              Must be encoded with hex.

            NaclSecretBoxParamsCB: { nonce: string }

            Type declaration

            • nonce: string

              Nonce in hex

            NaclSecretBoxParamsEB: { key: string; nonce: string }

            Type declaration

            • key: string

              Secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string

            • nonce: string

              Nonce in hex

            NetworkConfig: { access_key?: string; endpoints?: string[]; first_remp_status_timeout?: number; latency_detection_interval?: number; max_latency?: number; max_reconnect_timeout?: number; message_processing_timeout?: number; message_retries_count?: number; network_retries_count?: number; next_remp_status_timeout?: number; out_of_sync_threshold?: number; queries_protocol?: NetworkQueriesProtocol; query_timeout?: number; reconnect_timeout?: number; sending_endpoint_count?: number; server_address?: string; signature_id?: number; wait_for_timeout?: number }

            Type declaration

            • Optional access_key?: string

              Access key to GraphQL API (Project secret)

            • Optional endpoints?: string[]

              List of Evernode endpoints.


              Any correct URL format can be specified, including IP addresses. This parameter is prevailing over server_address. Check the full list of supported network endpoints.

            • Optional first_remp_status_timeout?: number



              First REMP status awaiting timeout. If no status received during the timeout than fallback transaction scenario is activated.

              Must be specified in milliseconds. Default is 1 (1 ms) in order to start fallback scenario together with REMP statuses processing while REMP is not properly tuned yet.

            • Optional latency_detection_interval?: number

              Frequency of sync latency detection.


              Library periodically checks the current endpoint for blockchain data synchronization latency. If the latency (time-lag) is less then NetworkConfig.max_latency then library selects another endpoint.

              Must be specified in milliseconds. Default is 60000 (1 min).

            • Optional max_latency?: number

              Maximum value for the endpoint's blockchain data synchronization latency (time-lag). Library periodically checks the current endpoint for blockchain data synchronization latency. If the latency (time-lag) is less then NetworkConfig.max_latency then library selects another endpoint.


              Must be specified in milliseconds. Default is 60000 (1 min).

            • Optional max_reconnect_timeout?: number

              Maximum time for sequential reconnections.


              Must be specified in milliseconds. Default is 120000 (2 min).

            • Optional message_processing_timeout?: number

              Timeout that is used to process message delivery for the contracts which ABI does not include "expire" header. If the message is not delivered within the specified timeout the appropriate error occurs.


              Must be specified in milliseconds. Default is 40000 (40 sec).

            • Optional message_retries_count?: number

              The number of automatic message processing retries that SDK performs in case of Message Expired (507) error - but only for those messages which local emulation was successful or failed with replay protection error.


              Default is 5.

            • Optional network_retries_count?: number



              You must use network.max_reconnect_timeout that allows to specify maximum network resolving timeout.

            • Optional next_remp_status_timeout?: number



              Subsequent REMP status awaiting timeout. If no status received during the timeout than fallback transaction scenario is activated.

              Must be specified in milliseconds. Default is 5000 (5 sec).

            • Optional out_of_sync_threshold?: number

              DEPRECATED: This parameter was deprecated.

            • Optional queries_protocol?: NetworkQueriesProtocol

              Queries protocol.


              HTTP or WS. Default is HTTP.

            • Optional query_timeout?: number

              Default timeout for http requests.


              Is is used when no timeout specified for the request to limit the answer waiting time. If no answer received during the timeout requests ends with error.

              Must be specified in milliseconds. Default is 60000 (1 min).

            • Optional reconnect_timeout?: number


            • Optional sending_endpoint_count?: number

              Maximum number of randomly chosen endpoints the library uses to broadcast a message.


              Default is 1.

            • Optional server_address?: string

              This field is deprecated, but left for backward-compatibility. Evernode endpoint.

            • Optional signature_id?: number

              Network signature ID which is used by VM in signature verifying instructions if capability CapSignatureWithId is enabled in blockchain configuration parameters.


              This parameter should be set to global_id field from any blockchain block if network can not be reachable at the moment of message encoding and the message is aimed to be sent into network with CapSignatureWithId enabled. Otherwise signature ID is detected automatically inside message encoding functions

            • Optional wait_for_timeout?: number

              Maximum timeout that is used for query response.


              Must be specified in milliseconds. Default is 40000 (40 sec).

            OrderBy: { direction: SortDirection; path: string }

            Type declaration

            ParamsOfAbiEncodeBoc: { boc_cache?: BocCacheType; data: any; params: AbiParam[] }

            Type declaration

            • Optional boc_cache?: BocCacheType

              Cache type to put the result.


              The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided

            • data: any

              Parameters and values as a JSON structure

            • params: AbiParam[]

              Parameters to encode into BOC

            ParamsOfAggregateCollection: { collection: string; fields?: FieldAggregation[]; filter?: any }

            Type declaration

            • collection: string

              Collection name (accounts, blocks, transactions, messages, block_signatures)

            • Optional fields?: FieldAggregation[]

              Projection (result) string

            • Optional filter?: any

              Collection filter

            ParamsOfAppDebotBrowser: { type: "Log" } & ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserLogVariant | { type: "Switch" } & ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserSwitchVariant | { type: "SwitchCompleted" } & ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserSwitchCompletedVariant | { type: "ShowAction" } & ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserShowActionVariant | { type: "Input" } & ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserInputVariant | { type: "GetSigningBox" } & ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserGetSigningBoxVariant | { type: "InvokeDebot" } & ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserInvokeDebotVariant | { type: "Send" } & ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserSendVariant | { type: "Approve" } & ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserApproveVariant

            UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Debot Browser callbacks


            Called by debot engine to communicate with debot browser.

            Depends on type field.


            Print message to user.


            Switch debot to another context (menu).


            Notify browser that all context actions are shown.


            Show action to the user. Called after switch for each action in context.


            Request user input.


            Get signing box to sign data.


            Execute action of another debot.


            Used by Debot to call DInterface implemented by Debot Browser.


            Requests permission from DeBot Browser to execute DeBot operation.

            ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserApproveVariant: { activity: DebotActivity }

            Requests permission from DeBot Browser to execute DeBot operation.

            Type declaration

            ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserGetSigningBoxVariant: {}

            Get signing box to sign data.


            Signing box returned is owned and disposed by debot engine

            Type declaration

              ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserInputVariant: { prompt: string }

              Request user input.

              Type declaration

              • prompt: string

                A prompt string that must be printed to user before input request.

              ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserInvokeDebotVariant: { action: DebotAction; debot_addr: string }

              Execute action of another debot.

              Type declaration

              • action: DebotAction

                Debot action to execute.

              • debot_addr: string

                Address of debot in blockchain.

              ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserLogVariant: { msg: string }

              Print message to user.

              Type declaration

              • msg: string

                A string that must be printed to user.

              ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserSendVariant: { message: string }

              Used by Debot to call DInterface implemented by Debot Browser.

              Type declaration

              • message: string

                Internal message to DInterface address.


                Message body contains interface function and parameters.

              ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserShowActionVariant: { action: DebotAction }

              Show action to the user. Called after switch for each action in context.

              Type declaration

              • action: DebotAction

                Debot action that must be shown to user as menu item. At least description property must be shown from [DebotAction] structure.

              ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserSwitchCompletedVariant: {}

              Notify browser that all context actions are shown.

              Type declaration

                ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserSwitchVariant: { context_id: number }

                Switch debot to another context (menu).

                Type declaration

                • context_id: number

                  Debot context ID to which debot is switched.

                ParamsOfAppEncryptionBox: { type: "GetInfo" } & ParamsOfAppEncryptionBoxGetInfoVariant | { type: "Encrypt" } & ParamsOfAppEncryptionBoxEncryptVariant | { type: "Decrypt" } & ParamsOfAppEncryptionBoxDecryptVariant

                Interface for data encryption/decryption

                Depends on type field.


                Get encryption box info


                Encrypt data


                Decrypt data

                ParamsOfAppEncryptionBoxDecryptVariant: { data: string }

                Decrypt data

                Type declaration

                • data: string

                  Data, encoded in Base64

                ParamsOfAppEncryptionBoxEncryptVariant: { data: string }

                Encrypt data

                Type declaration

                • data: string

                  Data, encoded in Base64

                ParamsOfAppEncryptionBoxGetInfoVariant: {}

                Get encryption box info

                Type declaration

                  ParamsOfAppPasswordProvider: { type: "GetPassword" } & ParamsOfAppPasswordProviderGetPasswordVariant

                  Interface that provides a callback that returns an encrypted password, used for cryptobox secret encryption


                  To secure the password while passing it from application to the library, the library generates a temporary key pair, passes the pubkey to the passwordProvider, decrypts the received password with private key, and deletes the key pair right away.

                  Application should generate a temporary nacl_box_keypair and encrypt the password with naclbox function using nacl_box_keypair.secret and encryption_public_key keys + nonce = 24-byte prefix of encryption_public_key.

                  Depends on type field.


                  ParamsOfAppPasswordProviderGetPasswordVariant: { encryption_public_key: string }

                  Type declaration

                  • encryption_public_key: string

                    Temporary library pubkey, that is used on application side for password encryption, along with application temporary private key and nonce. Used for password decryption on library side.

                  ParamsOfAppRequest: { app_request_id: number; request_data: any }

                  Type declaration

                  • app_request_id: number

                    Request ID.


                    Should be used in resolve_app_request call

                  • request_data: any

                    Request describing data

                  ParamsOfAppSigningBox: { type: "GetPublicKey" } & ParamsOfAppSigningBoxGetPublicKeyVariant | { type: "Sign" } & ParamsOfAppSigningBoxSignVariant

                  Signing box callbacks.

                  Depends on type field.


                  Get signing box public key


                  Sign data

                  ParamsOfAppSigningBoxGetPublicKeyVariant: {}

                  Get signing box public key

                  Type declaration

                    ParamsOfAppSigningBoxSignVariant: { unsigned: string }

                    Sign data

                    Type declaration

                    • unsigned: string

                      Data to sign encoded as base64

                    ParamsOfAttachSignature: { abi: Abi; message: string; public_key: string; signature: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • abi: Abi

                      Contract ABI

                    • message: string

                      Unsigned message BOC encoded in base64.

                    • public_key: string

                      Public key encoded in hex.

                    • signature: string

                      Signature encoded in hex.

                    ParamsOfAttachSignatureToMessageBody: { abi: Abi; message: string; public_key: string; signature: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • abi: Abi

                      Contract ABI

                    • message: string

                      Unsigned message body BOC.


                      Must be encoded with base64.

                    • public_key: string

                      Public key.


                      Must be encoded with hex.

                    • signature: string



                      Must be encoded with hex.

                    ParamsOfBatchQuery: { operations: ParamsOfQueryOperation[] }

                    Type declaration

                    ParamsOfBocCacheGet: { boc_ref: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • boc_ref: string

                      Reference to the cached BOC

                    ParamsOfBocCacheSet: { boc: string; cache_type: BocCacheType }

                    Type declaration

                    • boc: string

                      BOC encoded as base64 or BOC reference

                    • cache_type: BocCacheType

                      Cache type

                    ParamsOfBocCacheUnpin: { boc_ref?: string; pin: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • Optional boc_ref?: string

                      Reference to the cached BOC.


                      If it is provided then only referenced BOC is unpinned

                    • pin: string

                      Pinned name

                    ParamsOfCalcFunctionId: { abi: Abi; function_name: string; output?: boolean }

                    Type declaration

                    • abi: Abi

                      Contract ABI.

                    • function_name: string

                      Contract function name

                    • Optional output?: boolean

                      If set to true output function ID will be returned which is used in contract response. Default is false

                    ParamsOfCalcStorageFee: { account: string; period: number }

                    Type declaration

                    • account: string
                    • period: number
                    ParamsOfCancelMonitor: { queue: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • queue: string

                      Name of the monitoring queue.

                    ParamsOfChaCha20: { data: string; key: string; nonce: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • data: string

                      Source data to be encrypted or decrypted.


                      Must be encoded with base64.

                    • key: string

                      256-bit key.


                      Must be encoded with hex.

                    • nonce: string

                      96-bit nonce.


                      Must be encoded with hex.

                    ParamsOfCompressZstd: { level?: number; uncompressed: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • Optional level?: number

                      Compression level, from 1 to 21. Where: 1 - lowest compression level (fastest compression); 21 - highest compression level (slowest compression). If level is omitted, the default compression level is used (currently 3).

                    • uncompressed: string

                      Uncompressed data.


                      Must be encoded as base64.

                    ParamsOfConvertAddress: { address: string; output_format: AddressStringFormat }

                    Type declaration

                    • address: string

                      Account address in any TON format.

                    • output_format: AddressStringFormat

                      Specify the format to convert to.

                    ParamsOfConvertPublicKeyToTonSafeFormat: { public_key: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • public_key: string

                      Public key - 64 symbols hex string

                    ParamsOfCreateBlockIterator: { end_time?: number; result?: string; shard_filter?: string[]; start_time?: number }

                    Type declaration

                    • Optional end_time?: number

                      Optional end time to iterate for.


                      If the application specifies this parameter then the iteration includes blocks with gen_utime < end_time. Otherwise the iteration never stops.

                      Must be specified in seconds.

                    • Optional result?: string

                      Projection (result) string.


                      List of the fields that must be returned for iterated items. This field is the same as the result parameter of the query_collection function. Note that iterated items can contains additional fields that are not requested in the result.

                    • Optional shard_filter?: string[]

                      Shard prefix filter.


                      If the application specifies this parameter and it is not the empty array then the iteration will include items related to accounts that belongs to the specified shard prefixes. Shard prefix must be represented as a string "workchain:prefix". Where workchain is a signed integer and the prefix if a hexadecimal representation if the 64-bit unsigned integer with tagged shard prefix. For example: "0:3800000000000000".

                    • Optional start_time?: number

                      Starting time to iterate from.


                      If the application specifies this parameter then the iteration includes blocks with gen_utime >= start_time. Otherwise the iteration starts from zero state.

                      Must be specified in seconds.

                    ParamsOfCreateCryptoBox: { secret: CryptoBoxSecret; secret_encryption_salt: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • secret: CryptoBoxSecret

                      Cryptobox secret

                    • secret_encryption_salt: string

                      Salt used for secret encryption. For example, a mobile device can use device ID as salt.

                    ParamsOfCreateEncryptionBox: { algorithm: EncryptionAlgorithm }

                    Type declaration

                    • algorithm: EncryptionAlgorithm

                      Encryption algorithm specifier including cipher parameters (key, IV, etc)

                    ParamsOfCreateTransactionIterator: { accounts_filter?: string[]; end_time?: number; include_transfers?: boolean; result?: string; shard_filter?: string[]; start_time?: number }

                    Type declaration

                    • Optional accounts_filter?: string[]

                      Account address filter.


                      Application can specify the list of accounts for which it wants to iterate transactions.

                      If this parameter is missing or an empty list then the library iterates transactions for all accounts that pass the shard filter.

                      Note that the library doesn't detect conflicts between the account filter and the shard filter if both are specified. So it is an application responsibility to specify the correct filter combination.

                    • Optional end_time?: number

                      Optional end time to iterate for.


                      If the application specifies this parameter then the iteration includes blocks with gen_utime < end_time. Otherwise the iteration never stops.

                      Must be specified in seconds.

                    • Optional include_transfers?: boolean

                      Include transfers field in iterated transactions.


                      If this parameter is true then each transaction contains field transfers with list of transfer. See more about this structure in function description.

                    • Optional result?: string

                      Projection (result) string.


                      List of the fields that must be returned for iterated items. This field is the same as the result parameter of the query_collection function. Note that iterated items can contain additional fields that are not requested in the result.

                    • Optional shard_filter?: string[]

                      Shard prefix filters.


                      If the application specifies this parameter and it is not an empty array then the iteration will include items related to accounts that belongs to the specified shard prefixes. Shard prefix must be represented as a string "workchain:prefix". Where workchain is a signed integer and the prefix if a hexadecimal representation if the 64-bit unsigned integer with tagged shard prefix. For example: "0:3800000000000000". Account address conforms to the shard filter if it belongs to the filter workchain and the first bits of address match to the shard prefix. Only transactions with suitable account addresses are iterated.

                    • Optional start_time?: number

                      Starting time to iterate from.


                      If the application specifies this parameter then the iteration includes blocks with gen_utime >= start_time. Otherwise the iteration starts from zero state.

                      Must be specified in seconds.

                    ParamsOfDecodeAccountData: { abi: Abi; allow_partial?: boolean; data: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • abi: Abi

                      Contract ABI

                    • Optional allow_partial?: boolean

                      Flag allowing partial BOC decoding when ABI doesn't describe the full body BOC. Controls decoder behaviour when after decoding all described in ABI params there are some data left in BOC: true - return decoded values false - return error of incomplete BOC deserialization (default)

                    • data: string

                      Data BOC or BOC handle

                    ParamsOfDecodeBoc: { allow_partial: boolean; boc: string; params: AbiParam[] }

                    Type declaration

                    • allow_partial: boolean
                    • boc: string

                      Data BOC or BOC handle

                    • params: AbiParam[]

                      Parameters to decode from BOC

                    ParamsOfDecodeInitialData: { abi: Abi; allow_partial?: boolean; data: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • abi: Abi

                      Contract ABI.


                      Initial data is decoded if this parameter is provided

                    • Optional allow_partial?: boolean

                      Flag allowing partial BOC decoding when ABI doesn't describe the full body BOC. Controls decoder behaviour when after decoding all described in ABI params there are some data left in BOC: true - return decoded values false - return error of incomplete BOC deserialization (default)

                    • data: string

                      Data BOC or BOC handle

                    ParamsOfDecodeMessage: { abi: Abi; allow_partial?: boolean; data_layout?: DataLayout; function_name?: string; message: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • abi: Abi

                      contract ABI

                    • Optional allow_partial?: boolean

                      Flag allowing partial BOC decoding when ABI doesn't describe the full body BOC. Controls decoder behaviour when after decoding all described in ABI params there are some data left in BOC: true - return decoded values false - return error of incomplete BOC deserialization (default)

                    • Optional data_layout?: DataLayout
                    • Optional function_name?: string

                      Function name or function id if is known in advance

                    • message: string

                      Message BOC

                    ParamsOfDecodeMessageBody: { abi: Abi; allow_partial?: boolean; body: string; data_layout?: DataLayout; function_name?: string; is_internal: boolean }

                    Type declaration

                    • abi: Abi

                      Contract ABI used to decode.

                    • Optional allow_partial?: boolean

                      Flag allowing partial BOC decoding when ABI doesn't describe the full body BOC. Controls decoder behaviour when after decoding all described in ABI params there are some data left in BOC: true - return decoded values false - return error of incomplete BOC deserialization (default)

                    • body: string

                      Message body BOC encoded in base64.

                    • Optional data_layout?: DataLayout
                    • Optional function_name?: string

                      Function name or function id if is known in advance

                    • is_internal: boolean

                      True if the body belongs to the internal message.

                    ParamsOfDecodeStateInit: { boc_cache?: BocCacheType; state_init: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • Optional boc_cache?: BocCacheType

                      Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.

                    • state_init: string

                      Contract StateInit image BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

                    ParamsOfDecodeTvc: { tvc: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • tvc: string

                      Contract TVC BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

                    ParamsOfDecompressZstd: { compressed: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • compressed: string

                      Compressed data.


                      Must be encoded as base64.

                    ParamsOfEncodeAccount: { balance?: bigint; boc_cache?: BocCacheType; last_paid?: number; last_trans_lt?: bigint; state_init: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • Optional balance?: bigint

                      Initial balance.

                    • Optional boc_cache?: BocCacheType

                      Cache type to put the result.


                      The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided

                    • Optional last_paid?: number

                      Initial value for the last_paid.

                    • Optional last_trans_lt?: bigint

                      Initial value for the last_trans_lt.

                    • state_init: string

                      Account state init.

                    ParamsOfEncodeBoc: { boc_cache?: BocCacheType; builder: BuilderOp[] }

                    Type declaration

                    • Optional boc_cache?: BocCacheType

                      Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.

                    • builder: BuilderOp[]

                      Cell builder operations.

                    ParamsOfEncodeExternalInMessage: { boc_cache?: BocCacheType; body?: string; dst: string; init?: string; src?: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • Optional boc_cache?: BocCacheType

                      Cache type to put the result.


                      The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided

                    • Optional body?: string

                      Bag of cells with the message body encoded as base64.

                    • dst: string

                      Destination address.

                    • Optional init?: string

                      Bag of cells with state init (used in deploy messages).

                    • Optional src?: string

                      Source address.

                    ParamsOfEncodeInitialData: { abi: Abi; boc_cache?: BocCacheType; initial_data?: any; initial_pubkey?: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • abi: Abi

                      Contract ABI

                    • Optional boc_cache?: BocCacheType

                      Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.

                    • Optional initial_data?: any

                      List of initial values for contract's static variables.


                      abi parameter should be provided to set initial data

                    • Optional initial_pubkey?: string

                      Initial account owner's public key to set into account data

                    ParamsOfEncodeInternalMessage: { abi?: Abi; address?: string; bounce?: boolean; call_set?: CallSet; deploy_set?: DeploySet; enable_ihr?: boolean; src_address?: string; value: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • Optional abi?: Abi

                      Contract ABI.


                      Can be None if both deploy_set and call_set are None.

                    • Optional address?: string

                      Target address the message will be sent to.


                      Must be specified in case of non-deploy message.

                    • Optional bounce?: boolean

                      Flag of bounceable message.


                      Default is true.

                    • Optional call_set?: CallSet

                      Function call parameters.


                      Must be specified in case of non-deploy message.

                      In case of deploy message it is optional and contains parameters of the functions that will to be called upon deploy transaction.

                    • Optional deploy_set?: DeploySet

                      Deploy parameters.


                      Must be specified in case of deploy message.

                    • Optional enable_ihr?: boolean

                      Enable Instant Hypercube Routing for the message.


                      Default is false.

                    • Optional src_address?: string

                      Source address of the message.

                    • value: string

                      Value in nanotokens to be sent with message.

                    ParamsOfEncodeMessage: { abi: Abi; address?: string; call_set?: CallSet; deploy_set?: DeploySet; processing_try_index?: number; signature_id?: number; signer: Signer }

                    Type declaration

                    • abi: Abi

                      Contract ABI.

                    • Optional address?: string

                      Target address the message will be sent to.


                      Must be specified in case of non-deploy message.

                    • Optional call_set?: CallSet

                      Function call parameters.


                      Must be specified in case of non-deploy message.

                      In case of deploy message it is optional and contains parameters of the functions that will to be called upon deploy transaction.

                    • Optional deploy_set?: DeploySet

                      Deploy parameters.


                      Must be specified in case of deploy message.

                    • Optional processing_try_index?: number

                      Processing try index.


                      Used in message processing with retries (if contract's ABI includes "expire" header).

                      Encoder uses the provided try index to calculate message expiration time. The 1st message expiration time is specified in Client config.

                      Expiration timeouts will grow with every retry. Retry grow factor is set in Client config: <.....add config parameter with default value here>

                      Default value is 0.

                    • Optional signature_id?: number

                      Signature ID to be used in data to sign preparing when CapSignatureWithId capability is enabled

                    • signer: Signer

                      Signing parameters.

                    ParamsOfEncodeMessageBody: { abi: Abi; address?: string; call_set: CallSet; is_internal: boolean; processing_try_index?: number; signature_id?: number; signer: Signer }

                    Type declaration

                    • abi: Abi

                      Contract ABI.

                    • Optional address?: string

                      Destination address of the message


                      Since ABI version 2.3 destination address of external inbound message is used in message body signature calculation. Should be provided when signed external inbound message body is created. Otherwise can be omitted.

                    • call_set: CallSet

                      Function call parameters.


                      Must be specified in non deploy message.

                      In case of deploy message contains parameters of constructor.

                    • is_internal: boolean

                      True if internal message body must be encoded.

                    • Optional processing_try_index?: number

                      Processing try index.


                      Used in message processing with retries.

                      Encoder uses the provided try index to calculate message expiration time.

                      Expiration timeouts will grow with every retry.

                      Default value is 0.

                    • Optional signature_id?: number

                      Signature ID to be used in data to sign preparing when CapSignatureWithId capability is enabled

                    • signer: Signer

                      Signing parameters.

                    ParamsOfEncodeStateInit: { boc_cache?: BocCacheType; code?: string; data?: string; library?: string; split_depth?: number; tick?: boolean; tock?: boolean }

                    Type declaration

                    • Optional boc_cache?: BocCacheType

                      Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.

                    • Optional code?: string

                      Contract code BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

                    • Optional data?: string

                      Contract data BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

                    • Optional library?: string

                      Contract library BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

                    • Optional split_depth?: number

                      Is present and non-zero only in instances of large smart contracts

                    • Optional tick?: boolean

                      special.tick field.


                      Specifies the contract ability to handle tick transactions

                    • Optional tock?: boolean

                      special.tock field.


                      Specifies the contract ability to handle tock transactions

                    ParamsOfEncryptionBoxDecrypt: { data: string; encryption_box: EncryptionBoxHandle }

                    Type declaration

                    • data: string

                      Data to be decrypted, encoded in Base64

                    • encryption_box: EncryptionBoxHandle

                      Encryption box handle

                    ParamsOfEncryptionBoxEncrypt: { data: string; encryption_box: EncryptionBoxHandle }

                    Type declaration

                    • data: string

                      Data to be encrypted, encoded in Base64

                    • encryption_box: EncryptionBoxHandle

                      Encryption box handle

                    ParamsOfEncryptionBoxGetInfo: { encryption_box: EncryptionBoxHandle }

                    Type declaration

                    ParamsOfExecute: { action: DebotAction; debot_handle: DebotHandle }

                    UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Parameters for executing debot action.

                    Type declaration

                    • action: DebotAction

                      Debot Action that must be executed.

                    • debot_handle: DebotHandle

                      Debot handle which references an instance of debot engine.

                    ParamsOfFactorize: { composite: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • composite: string

                      Hexadecimal representation of u64 composite number.

                    ParamsOfFetch: { address: string }

                    UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Parameters to fetch DeBot metadata.

                    Type declaration

                    • address: string

                      Debot smart contract address.

                    ParamsOfFetchNextMonitorResults: { queue: string; wait_mode?: MonitorFetchWaitMode }

                    Type declaration

                    • queue: string

                      Name of the monitoring queue.

                    • Optional wait_mode?: MonitorFetchWaitMode

                      Wait mode.


                      Default is NO_WAIT.

                    ParamsOfFindLastShardBlock: { address: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • address: string

                      Account address

                    ParamsOfGenerateRandomBytes: { length: number }

                    Type declaration

                    • length: number

                      Size of random byte array.

                    ParamsOfGetAddressType: { address: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • address: string

                      Account address in any TON format.

                    ParamsOfGetBlockchainConfig: { block_boc: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • block_boc: string

                      Key block BOC or zerostate BOC encoded as base64

                    ParamsOfGetBocDepth: { boc: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • boc: string

                      BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

                    ParamsOfGetBocHash: { boc: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • boc: string

                      BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

                    ParamsOfGetCodeFromTvc: { tvc: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • tvc: string

                      Contract TVC image or image BOC handle

                    ParamsOfGetCodeSalt: { boc_cache?: BocCacheType; code: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • Optional boc_cache?: BocCacheType

                      Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.

                    • code: string

                      Contract code BOC encoded as base64 or code BOC handle

                    ParamsOfGetCompilerVersion: { code: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • code: string

                      Contract code BOC encoded as base64 or code BOC handle

                    ParamsOfGetEncryptionBoxFromCryptoBox: { algorithm: BoxEncryptionAlgorithm; handle: number; hdpath?: string; secret_lifetime?: number }

                    Type declaration

                    • algorithm: BoxEncryptionAlgorithm

                      Encryption algorithm.

                    • handle: number

                      Crypto Box Handle.

                    • Optional hdpath?: string

                      HD key derivation path.


                      By default, Everscale HD path is used.

                    • Optional secret_lifetime?: number

                      Store derived secret for encryption algorithm for this lifetime (in ms). The timer starts after each encryption box operation. Secrets will be deleted (overwritten with zeroes) after each encryption operation, if this value is not set.

                    ParamsOfGetMonitorInfo: { queue: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • queue: string

                      Name of the monitoring queue.

                    ParamsOfGetSignatureData: { abi: Abi; message: string; signature_id?: number }

                    Type declaration

                    • abi: Abi

                      Contract ABI used to decode.

                    • message: string

                      Message BOC encoded in base64.

                    • Optional signature_id?: number

                      Signature ID to be used in unsigned data preparing when CapSignatureWithId capability is enabled

                    ParamsOfGetSigningBoxFromCryptoBox: { handle: number; hdpath?: string; secret_lifetime?: number }

                    Type declaration

                    • handle: number

                      Crypto Box Handle.

                    • Optional hdpath?: string

                      HD key derivation path.


                      By default, Everscale HD path is used.

                    • Optional secret_lifetime?: number

                      Store derived secret for this lifetime (in ms). The timer starts after each signing box operation. Secrets will be deleted immediately after each signing box operation, if this value is not set.

                    ParamsOfHDKeyDeriveFromXPrv: { child_index: number; hardened: boolean; xprv: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • child_index: number

                      Child index (see BIP-0032)

                    • hardened: boolean

                      Indicates the derivation of hardened/not-hardened key (see BIP-0032)

                    • xprv: string

                      Serialized extended private key

                    ParamsOfHDKeyDeriveFromXPrvPath: { path: string; xprv: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • path: string

                      Derivation path, for instance "m/44'/396'/0'/0/0"

                    • xprv: string

                      Serialized extended private key

                    ParamsOfHDKeyPublicFromXPrv: { xprv: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • xprv: string

                      Serialized extended private key

                    ParamsOfHDKeySecretFromXPrv: { xprv: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • xprv: string

                      Serialized extended private key

                    ParamsOfHDKeyXPrvFromMnemonic: { dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary; phrase: string; word_count?: number }

                    Type declaration

                    • Optional dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary

                      Dictionary identifier

                    • phrase: string

                      String with seed phrase

                    • Optional word_count?: number

                      Mnemonic word count

                    ParamsOfHash: { data: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • data: string

                      Input data for hash calculation.


                      Encoded with base64.

                    ParamsOfInit: { address: string }

                    UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Parameters to init DeBot.

                    Type declaration

                    • address: string

                      Debot smart contract address

                    ParamsOfIteratorNext: { iterator: number; limit?: number; return_resume_state?: boolean }

                    Type declaration

                    • iterator: number

                      Iterator handle

                    • Optional limit?: number

                      Maximum count of the returned items.


                      If value is missing or is less than 1 the library uses 1.

                    • Optional return_resume_state?: boolean

                      Indicates that function must return the iterator state that can be used for resuming iteration.

                    ParamsOfMnemonicDeriveSignKeys: { dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary; path?: string; phrase: string; word_count?: number }

                    Type declaration

                    • Optional dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary

                      Dictionary identifier

                    • Optional path?: string

                      Derivation path, for instance "m/44'/396'/0'/0/0"

                    • phrase: string


                    • Optional word_count?: number

                      Word count

                    ParamsOfMnemonicFromEntropy: { dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary; entropy: string; word_count?: number }

                    Type declaration

                    • Optional dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary

                      Dictionary identifier

                    • entropy: string

                      Entropy bytes.


                      Hex encoded.

                    • Optional word_count?: number

                      Mnemonic word count

                    ParamsOfMnemonicFromRandom: { dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary; word_count?: number }

                    Type declaration

                    • Optional dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary

                      Dictionary identifier

                    • Optional word_count?: number

                      Mnemonic word count

                    ParamsOfMnemonicVerify: { dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary; phrase: string; word_count?: number }

                    Type declaration

                    • Optional dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary

                      Dictionary identifier

                    • phrase: string


                    • Optional word_count?: number

                      Word count

                    ParamsOfMnemonicWords: { dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary }

                    Type declaration

                    ParamsOfModularPower: { base: string; exponent: string; modulus: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • base: string

                      base argument of calculation.

                    • exponent: string

                      exponent argument of calculation.

                    • modulus: string

                      modulus argument of calculation.

                    ParamsOfMonitorMessages: { messages: MessageMonitoringParams[]; queue: string }

                    Type declaration

                    ParamsOfNaclBox: { decrypted: string; nonce: string; secret: string; their_public: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • decrypted: string

                      Data that must be encrypted encoded in base64.

                    • nonce: string

                      Nonce, encoded in hex

                    • secret: string

                      Sender's private key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string

                    • their_public: string

                      Receiver's public key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string

                    ParamsOfNaclBoxKeyPairFromSecret: { secret: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • secret: string

                      Secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string

                    ParamsOfNaclBoxOpen: { encrypted: string; nonce: string; secret: string; their_public: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • encrypted: string

                      Data that must be decrypted.


                      Encoded with base64.

                    • nonce: string


                    • secret: string

                      Receiver's private key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string

                    • their_public: string

                      Sender's public key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string

                    ParamsOfNaclSecretBox: { decrypted: string; key: string; nonce: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • decrypted: string

                      Data that must be encrypted.


                      Encoded with base64.

                    • key: string

                      Secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string

                    • nonce: string

                      Nonce in hex

                    ParamsOfNaclSecretBoxOpen: { encrypted: string; key: string; nonce: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • encrypted: string

                      Data that must be decrypted.


                      Encoded with base64.

                    • key: string

                      Secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string

                    • nonce: string

                      Nonce in hex

                    ParamsOfNaclSign: { secret: string; unsigned: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • secret: string

                      Signer's secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 128 symbols hex string (concatenation of 64 symbols secret and 64 symbols public keys). See nacl_sign_keypair_from_secret_key.

                    • unsigned: string

                      Data that must be signed encoded in base64.

                    ParamsOfNaclSignDetachedVerify: { public: string; signature: string; unsigned: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • public: string

                      Signer's public key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string.

                    • signature: string

                      Signature that must be verified.


                      Encoded with hex.

                    • unsigned: string

                      Unsigned data that must be verified.


                      Encoded with base64.

                    ParamsOfNaclSignKeyPairFromSecret: { secret: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • secret: string

                      Secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string

                    ParamsOfNaclSignOpen: { public: string; signed: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • public: string

                      Signer's public key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string

                    • signed: string

                      Signed data that must be unsigned.


                      Encoded with base64.

                    ParamsOfParse: { boc: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • boc: string

                      BOC encoded as base64

                    ParamsOfParseShardstate: { boc: string; id: string; workchain_id: number }

                    Type declaration

                    • boc: string

                      BOC encoded as base64

                    • id: string

                      Shardstate identifier

                    • workchain_id: number

                      Workchain shardstate belongs to

                    ParamsOfProcessMessage: { message_encode_params: ParamsOfEncodeMessage; send_events?: boolean }

                    Type declaration

                    • message_encode_params: ParamsOfEncodeMessage

                      Message encode parameters.

                    • Optional send_events?: boolean

                      Flag for requesting events sending. Default is false.

                    ParamsOfProofBlockData: { block: any }

                    Type declaration

                    • block: any

                      Single block's data, retrieved from TONOS API, that needs proof. Required fields are id and/or top-level boc (for block identification), others are optional.

                    ParamsOfProofMessageData: { message: any }

                    Type declaration

                    • message: any

                      Single message's data as queried from DApp server, without modifications. The required fields are id and/or top-level boc, others are optional. In order to reduce network requests count, it is recommended to provide at least boc of message and non-null src_transaction.id or dst_transaction.id.

                    ParamsOfProofTransactionData: { transaction: any }

                    Type declaration

                    • transaction: any

                      Single transaction's data as queried from DApp server, without modifications. The required fields are id and/or top-level boc, others are optional. In order to reduce network requests count, it is recommended to provide block_id and boc of transaction.

                    ParamsOfQuery: { query: string; variables?: any }

                    Type declaration

                    • query: string

                      GraphQL query text.

                    • Optional variables?: any

                      Variables used in query.


                      Must be a map with named values that can be used in query.

                    ParamsOfQueryCollection: { collection: string; filter?: any; limit?: number; order?: OrderBy[]; result: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • collection: string

                      Collection name (accounts, blocks, transactions, messages, block_signatures)

                    • Optional filter?: any

                      Collection filter

                    • Optional limit?: number

                      Number of documents to return

                    • Optional order?: OrderBy[]

                      Sorting order

                    • result: string

                      Projection (result) string

                    ParamsOfQueryCounterparties: { account: string; after?: string; first?: number; result: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • account: string

                      Account address

                    • Optional after?: string

                      cursor field of the last received result

                    • Optional first?: number

                      Number of counterparties to return

                    • result: string

                      Projection (result) string

                    ParamsOfQueryOperation: { type: "QueryCollection" } & ParamsOfQueryCollection | { type: "WaitForCollection" } & ParamsOfWaitForCollection | { type: "AggregateCollection" } & ParamsOfAggregateCollection | { type: "QueryCounterparties" } & ParamsOfQueryCounterparties
                    ParamsOfQueryTransactionTree: { abi_registry?: Abi[]; in_msg: string; timeout?: number; transaction_max_count?: number }

                    Type declaration

                    • Optional abi_registry?: Abi[]

                      List of contract ABIs that will be used to decode message bodies. Library will try to decode each returned message body using any ABI from the registry.

                    • in_msg: string

                      Input message id.

                    • Optional timeout?: number

                      Timeout used to limit waiting time for the missing messages and transaction.


                      If some of the following messages and transactions are missing yet The maximum waiting time is regulated by this option.

                      Default value is 60000 (1 min). If timeout is set to 0 then function will wait infinitely until the whole transaction tree is executed

                    • Optional transaction_max_count?: number

                      Maximum transaction count to wait.


                      If transaction tree contains more transaction then this parameter then only first transaction_max_count transaction are awaited and returned.

                      Default value is 50. If transaction_max_count is set to 0 then no limitation on transaction count is used and all transaction are returned.

                    ParamsOfRemove: { debot_handle: DebotHandle }

                    Type declaration

                    • debot_handle: DebotHandle

                      Debot handle which references an instance of debot engine.

                    ParamsOfResolveAppRequest: { app_request_id: number; result: AppRequestResult }

                    Type declaration

                    • app_request_id: number

                      Request ID received from SDK

                    • result: AppRequestResult

                      Result of request processing

                    ParamsOfResumeBlockIterator: { resume_state: any }

                    Type declaration

                    • resume_state: any

                      Iterator state from which to resume.


                      Same as value returned from iterator_next.

                    ParamsOfResumeTransactionIterator: { accounts_filter?: string[]; resume_state: any }

                    Type declaration

                    • Optional accounts_filter?: string[]

                      Account address filter.


                      Application can specify the list of accounts for which it wants to iterate transactions.

                      If this parameter is missing or an empty list then the library iterates transactions for all accounts that passes the shard filter.

                      Note that the library doesn't detect conflicts between the account filter and the shard filter if both are specified. So it is the application's responsibility to specify the correct filter combination.

                    • resume_state: any

                      Iterator state from which to resume.


                      Same as value returned from iterator_next.

                    ParamsOfRunExecutor: { abi?: Abi; account: AccountForExecutor; boc_cache?: BocCacheType; execution_options?: ExecutionOptions; message: string; return_updated_account?: boolean; skip_transaction_check?: boolean }

                    Type declaration

                    • Optional abi?: Abi

                      Contract ABI for decoding output messages

                    • account: AccountForExecutor

                      Account to run on executor

                    • Optional boc_cache?: BocCacheType

                      Cache type to put the result.


                      The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided

                    • Optional execution_options?: ExecutionOptions

                      Execution options.

                    • message: string

                      Input message BOC.


                      Must be encoded as base64.

                    • Optional return_updated_account?: boolean

                      Return updated account flag.


                      Empty string is returned if the flag is false

                    • Optional skip_transaction_check?: boolean

                      Skip transaction check flag

                    ParamsOfRunGet: { account: string; execution_options?: ExecutionOptions; function_name: string; input?: any; tuple_list_as_array?: boolean }

                    Type declaration

                    • account: string

                      Account BOC in base64

                    • Optional execution_options?: ExecutionOptions

                      Execution options

                    • function_name: string

                      Function name

                    • Optional input?: any

                      Input parameters

                    • Optional tuple_list_as_array?: boolean

                      Convert lists based on nested tuples in the result into plain arrays.


                      Default is false. Input parameters may use any of lists representations If you receive this error on Web: "Runtime error. Unreachable code should not be executed...", set this flag to true. This may happen, for example, when elector contract contains too many participants

                    ParamsOfRunTvm: { abi?: Abi; account: string; boc_cache?: BocCacheType; execution_options?: ExecutionOptions; message: string; return_updated_account?: boolean }

                    Type declaration

                    • Optional abi?: Abi

                      Contract ABI for decoding output messages

                    • account: string

                      Account BOC.


                      Must be encoded as base64.

                    • Optional boc_cache?: BocCacheType

                      Cache type to put the result.


                      The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided

                    • Optional execution_options?: ExecutionOptions

                      Execution options.

                    • message: string

                      Input message BOC.


                      Must be encoded as base64.

                    • Optional return_updated_account?: boolean

                      Return updated account flag.


                      Empty string is returned if the flag is false

                    ParamsOfScrypt: { dk_len: number; log_n: number; p: number; password: string; r: number; salt: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • dk_len: number

                      Intended output length in octets of the derived key.

                    • log_n: number

                      CPU/memory cost parameter

                    • p: number

                      Parallelization parameter.

                    • password: string

                      The password bytes to be hashed. Must be encoded with base64.

                    • r: number

                      The block size parameter, which fine-tunes sequential memory read size and performance.

                    • salt: string

                      Salt bytes that modify the hash to protect against Rainbow table attacks. Must be encoded with base64.

                    ParamsOfSend: { debot_handle: DebotHandle; message: string }

                    UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Parameters of send function.

                    Type declaration

                    • debot_handle: DebotHandle

                      Debot handle which references an instance of debot engine.

                    • message: string

                      BOC of internal message to debot encoded in base64 format.

                    ParamsOfSendMessage: { abi?: Abi; message: string; send_events?: boolean }

                    Type declaration

                    • Optional abi?: Abi

                      Optional message ABI.


                      If this parameter is specified and the message has the expire header then expiration time will be checked against the current time to prevent unnecessary sending of already expired message.

                      The message already expired error will be returned in this case.

                      Note, that specifying abi for ABI compliant contracts is strongly recommended, so that proper processing strategy can be chosen.

                    • message: string

                      Message BOC.

                    • Optional send_events?: boolean

                      Flag for requesting events sending. Default is false.

                    ParamsOfSendMessages: { messages: MessageSendingParams[]; monitor_queue?: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • messages: MessageSendingParams[]

                      Messages that must be sent to the blockchain.

                    • Optional monitor_queue?: string

                      Optional message monitor queue that starts monitoring for the processing results for sent messages.

                    ParamsOfSetCodeSalt: { boc_cache?: BocCacheType; code: string; salt: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • Optional boc_cache?: BocCacheType

                      Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.

                    • code: string

                      Contract code BOC encoded as base64 or code BOC handle

                    • salt: string

                      Code salt to set.


                      BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

                    ParamsOfSign: { keys: KeyPair; unsigned: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • keys: KeyPair

                      Sign keys.

                    • unsigned: string

                      Data that must be signed encoded in base64.

                    ParamsOfSigningBoxSign: { signing_box: SigningBoxHandle; unsigned: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • signing_box: SigningBoxHandle

                      Signing Box handle.

                    • unsigned: string

                      Unsigned user data.


                      Must be encoded with base64.

                    ParamsOfStart: { debot_handle: DebotHandle }

                    UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Parameters to start DeBot. DeBot must be already initialized with init() function.

                    Type declaration

                    • debot_handle: DebotHandle

                      Debot handle which references an instance of debot engine.

                    ParamsOfSubscribe: { subscription: string; variables?: any }

                    Type declaration

                    • subscription: string

                      GraphQL subscription text.

                    • Optional variables?: any

                      Variables used in subscription.


                      Must be a map with named values that can be used in query.

                    ParamsOfSubscribeCollection: { collection: string; filter?: any; result: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • collection: string

                      Collection name (accounts, blocks, transactions, messages, block_signatures)

                    • Optional filter?: any

                      Collection filter

                    • result: string

                      Projection (result) string

                    ParamsOfTonCrc16: { data: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • data: string

                      Input data for CRC calculation.


                      Encoded with base64.

                    ParamsOfUpdateInitialData: { abi: Abi; boc_cache?: BocCacheType; data: string; initial_data?: any; initial_pubkey?: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • abi: Abi

                      Contract ABI

                    • Optional boc_cache?: BocCacheType

                      Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.

                    • data: string

                      Data BOC or BOC handle

                    • Optional initial_data?: any

                      List of initial values for contract's static variables.


                      abi parameter should be provided to set initial data

                    • Optional initial_pubkey?: string

                      Initial account owner's public key to set into account data

                    ParamsOfVerifySignature: { public: string; signed: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • public: string

                      Signer's public key - 64 symbols hex string

                    • signed: string

                      Signed data that must be verified encoded in base64.

                    ParamsOfWaitForCollection: { collection: string; filter?: any; result: string; timeout?: number }

                    Type declaration

                    • collection: string

                      Collection name (accounts, blocks, transactions, messages, block_signatures)

                    • Optional filter?: any

                      Collection filter

                    • result: string

                      Projection (result) string

                    • Optional timeout?: number

                      Query timeout

                    ParamsOfWaitForTransaction: { abi?: Abi; message: string; send_events?: boolean; sending_endpoints?: string[]; shard_block_id: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • Optional abi?: Abi

                      Optional ABI for decoding the transaction result.


                      If it is specified, then the output messages' bodies will be decoded according to this ABI.

                      The abi_decoded result field will be filled out.

                    • message: string

                      Message BOC.


                      Encoded with base64.

                    • Optional send_events?: boolean

                      Flag that enables/disables intermediate events. Default is false.

                    • Optional sending_endpoints?: string[]

                      The list of endpoints to which the message was sent.


                      Use this field to get more informative errors. Provide the same value as the send_message has returned. If the message was not delivered (expired), SDK will log the endpoint URLs, used for its sending.

                    • shard_block_id: string

                      The last generated block id of the destination account shard before the message was sent.


                      You must provide the same value as the send_message has returned.

                    ProcessingEvent: { type: "WillFetchFirstBlock" } & ProcessingEventWillFetchFirstBlockVariant | { type: "FetchFirstBlockFailed" } & ProcessingEventFetchFirstBlockFailedVariant | { type: "WillSend" } & ProcessingEventWillSendVariant | { type: "DidSend" } & ProcessingEventDidSendVariant | { type: "SendFailed" } & ProcessingEventSendFailedVariant | { type: "WillFetchNextBlock" } & ProcessingEventWillFetchNextBlockVariant | { type: "FetchNextBlockFailed" } & ProcessingEventFetchNextBlockFailedVariant | { type: "MessageExpired" } & ProcessingEventMessageExpiredVariant | { type: "RempSentToValidators" } & ProcessingEventRempSentToValidatorsVariant | { type: "RempIncludedIntoBlock" } & ProcessingEventRempIncludedIntoBlockVariant | { type: "RempIncludedIntoAcceptedBlock" } & ProcessingEventRempIncludedIntoAcceptedBlockVariant | { type: "RempOther" } & ProcessingEventRempOtherVariant | { type: "RempError" } & ProcessingEventRempErrorVariant

                    Depends on type field.


                    Notifies the application that the account's current shard block will be fetched from the network. This step is performed before the message sending so that sdk knows starting from which block it will search for the transaction.


                    Notifies the app that the client has failed to fetch the account's current shard block.


                    Notifies the app that the message will be sent to the network. This event means that the account's current shard block was successfully fetched and the message was successfully created (abi.encode_message function was executed successfully).


                    Notifies the app that the message was sent to the network, i.e processing.send_message was successfully executed. Now, the message is in the blockchain. If Application exits at this phase, Developer needs to proceed with processing after the application is restored with wait_for_transaction function, passing shard_block_id and message from this event.


                    Notifies the app that the sending operation was failed with network error.


                    Notifies the app that the next shard block will be fetched from the network.


                    Notifies the app that the next block can't be fetched.


                    Notifies the app that the message was not executed within expire timeout on-chain and will never be because it is already expired. The expiration timeout can be configured with AbiConfig parameters.


                    Notifies the app that the message has been delivered to the thread's validators


                    Notifies the app that the message has been successfully included into a block candidate by the thread's collator


                    Notifies the app that the block candidate with the message has been accepted by the thread's validators


                    Notifies the app about some other minor REMP statuses occurring during message processing


                    Notifies the app about any problem that has occurred in REMP processing - in this case library switches to the fallback transaction awaiting scenario (sequential block reading).

                    ProcessingEventDidSendVariant: { message: string; message_dst: string; message_id: string; shard_block_id: string }

                    Notifies the app that the message was sent to the network, i.e processing.send_message was successfully executed. Now, the message is in the blockchain. If Application exits at this phase, Developer needs to proceed with processing after the application is restored with wait_for_transaction function, passing shard_block_id and message from this event.


                    Do not forget to specify abi of your contract as well, it is crucial for processing. See processing.wait_for_transaction documentation.

                    Type declaration

                    • message: string
                    • message_dst: string
                    • message_id: string
                    • shard_block_id: string
                    ProcessingEventFetchFirstBlockFailedVariant: { error: ClientError; message_dst: string; message_id: string }

                    Notifies the app that the client has failed to fetch the account's current shard block.


                    This may happen due to the network issues. Receiving this event means that message processing will not proceed - message was not sent, and Developer can try to run process_message again, in the hope that the connection is restored.

                    Type declaration

                    • error: ClientError
                    • message_dst: string
                    • message_id: string
                    ProcessingEventFetchNextBlockFailedVariant: { error: ClientError; message: string; message_dst: string; message_id: string; shard_block_id: string }

                    Notifies the app that the next block can't be fetched.


                    If no block was fetched within NetworkConfig.wait_for_timeout then processing stops. This may happen when the shard stops, or there are other network issues. In this case Developer should resume message processing with wait_for_transaction, passing shard_block_id, message and contract abi to it. Note that passing ABI is crucial, because it will influence the processing strategy.

                    Another way to tune this is to specify long timeout in NetworkConfig.wait_for_timeout

                    Type declaration

                    • error: ClientError
                    • message: string
                    • message_dst: string
                    • message_id: string
                    • shard_block_id: string
                    ProcessingEventMessageExpiredVariant: { error: ClientError; message: string; message_dst: string; message_id: string }

                    Notifies the app that the message was not executed within expire timeout on-chain and will never be because it is already expired. The expiration timeout can be configured with AbiConfig parameters.


                    This event occurs only for the contracts which ABI includes "expire" header.

                    If Application specifies NetworkConfig.message_retries_count > 0, then process_message will perform retries: will create a new message and send it again and repeat it until it reaches the maximum retries count or receives a successful result. All the processing events will be repeated.

                    Type declaration

                    • error: ClientError
                    • message: string
                    • message_dst: string
                    • message_id: string
                    ProcessingEventRempErrorVariant: { error: ClientError; message_dst: string; message_id: string }

                    Notifies the app about any problem that has occurred in REMP processing - in this case library switches to the fallback transaction awaiting scenario (sequential block reading).

                    Type declaration

                    • error: ClientError
                    • message_dst: string
                    • message_id: string
                    ProcessingEventRempIncludedIntoAcceptedBlockVariant: { json: any; message_dst: string; message_id: string; timestamp: bigint }

                    Notifies the app that the block candidate with the message has been accepted by the thread's validators

                    Type declaration

                    • json: any
                    • message_dst: string
                    • message_id: string
                    • timestamp: bigint
                    ProcessingEventRempIncludedIntoBlockVariant: { json: any; message_dst: string; message_id: string; timestamp: bigint }

                    Notifies the app that the message has been successfully included into a block candidate by the thread's collator

                    Type declaration

                    • json: any
                    • message_dst: string
                    • message_id: string
                    • timestamp: bigint
                    ProcessingEventRempOtherVariant: { json: any; message_dst: string; message_id: string; timestamp: bigint }

                    Notifies the app about some other minor REMP statuses occurring during message processing

                    Type declaration

                    • json: any
                    • message_dst: string
                    • message_id: string
                    • timestamp: bigint
                    ProcessingEventRempSentToValidatorsVariant: { json: any; message_dst: string; message_id: string; timestamp: bigint }

                    Notifies the app that the message has been delivered to the thread's validators

                    Type declaration

                    • json: any
                    • message_dst: string
                    • message_id: string
                    • timestamp: bigint
                    ProcessingEventSendFailedVariant: { error: ClientError; message: string; message_dst: string; message_id: string; shard_block_id: string }

                    Notifies the app that the sending operation was failed with network error.


                    Nevertheless the processing will be continued at the waiting phase because the message possibly has been delivered to the node. If Application exits at this phase, Developer needs to proceed with processing after the application is restored with wait_for_transaction function, passing shard_block_id and message from this event. Do not forget to specify abi of your contract as well, it is crucial for processing. See processing.wait_for_transaction documentation.

                    Type declaration

                    • error: ClientError
                    • message: string
                    • message_dst: string
                    • message_id: string
                    • shard_block_id: string
                    ProcessingEventWillFetchFirstBlockVariant: { message_dst: string; message_id: string }

                    Notifies the application that the account's current shard block will be fetched from the network. This step is performed before the message sending so that sdk knows starting from which block it will search for the transaction.


                    Fetched block will be used later in waiting phase.

                    Type declaration

                    • message_dst: string
                    • message_id: string
                    ProcessingEventWillFetchNextBlockVariant: { message: string; message_dst: string; message_id: string; shard_block_id: string }

                    Notifies the app that the next shard block will be fetched from the network.


                    Event can occurs more than one time due to block walking procedure. If Application exits at this phase, Developer needs to proceed with processing after the application is restored with wait_for_transaction function, passing shard_block_id and message from this event. Do not forget to specify abi of your contract as well, it is crucial for processing. See processing.wait_for_transaction documentation.

                    Type declaration

                    • message: string
                    • message_dst: string
                    • message_id: string
                    • shard_block_id: string
                    ProcessingEventWillSendVariant: { message: string; message_dst: string; message_id: string; shard_block_id: string }

                    Notifies the app that the message will be sent to the network. This event means that the account's current shard block was successfully fetched and the message was successfully created (abi.encode_message function was executed successfully).

                    Type declaration

                    • message: string
                    • message_dst: string
                    • message_id: string
                    • shard_block_id: string
                    ProofsConfig: { cache_in_local_storage?: boolean }

                    Type declaration

                    • Optional cache_in_local_storage?: boolean

                      Cache proofs in the local storage.


                      Default is true. If this value is set to true, downloaded proofs and master-chain BOCs are saved into the persistent local storage (e.g. file system for native environments or browser's IndexedDB for the web); otherwise all the data is cached only in memory in current client's context and will be lost after destruction of the client.

                    RegisteredCryptoBox: { handle: CryptoBoxHandle }

                    Type declaration

                    RegisteredDebot: { debot_abi: string; debot_handle: DebotHandle; info: DebotInfo }

                    UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Structure for storing debot handle returned from init function.

                    Type declaration

                    • debot_abi: string

                      Debot abi as json string.

                    • debot_handle: DebotHandle

                      Debot handle which references an instance of debot engine.

                    • info: DebotInfo

                      Debot metadata.

                    RegisteredEncryptionBox: { handle: EncryptionBoxHandle }

                    Type declaration

                    RegisteredIterator: { handle: number }

                    Type declaration

                    • handle: number

                      Iterator handle.


                      Must be removed using remove_iterator when it is no more needed for the application.

                    RegisteredSigningBox: { handle: SigningBoxHandle }

                    Type declaration

                    ResponseHandler: ((params: any, responseType: number) => void)

                    Type declaration

                      • (params: any, responseType: number): void
                      • Parameters

                        • params: any
                        • responseType: number

                        Returns void

                    ResultOfAbiEncodeBoc: { boc: string }

                    Type declaration

                    • boc: string

                      BOC encoded as base64

                    ResultOfAggregateCollection: { values: any }

                    Type declaration

                    • values: any

                      Values for requested fields.


                      Returns an array of strings. Each string refers to the corresponding fields item. Numeric value is returned as a decimal string representations.

                    ResultOfAppDebotBrowser: { type: "Input" } & ResultOfAppDebotBrowserInputVariant | { type: "GetSigningBox" } & ResultOfAppDebotBrowserGetSigningBoxVariant | { type: "InvokeDebot" } & ResultOfAppDebotBrowserInvokeDebotVariant | { type: "Approve" } & ResultOfAppDebotBrowserApproveVariant

                    UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Returning values from Debot Browser callbacks.

                    Depends on type field.


                    Result of user input.


                    Result of getting signing box.


                    Result of debot invoking.


                    Result of approve callback.

                    ResultOfAppDebotBrowserApproveVariant: { approved: boolean }

                    Result of approve callback.

                    Type declaration

                    • approved: boolean

                      Indicates whether the DeBot is allowed to perform the specified operation.

                    ResultOfAppDebotBrowserGetSigningBoxVariant: { signing_box: SigningBoxHandle }

                    Result of getting signing box.

                    Type declaration

                    • signing_box: SigningBoxHandle

                      Signing box for signing data requested by debot engine.


                      Signing box is owned and disposed by debot engine

                    ResultOfAppDebotBrowserInputVariant: { value: string }

                    Result of user input.

                    Type declaration

                    • value: string

                      String entered by user.

                    ResultOfAppDebotBrowserInvokeDebotVariant: {}

                    Result of debot invoking.

                    Type declaration

                      ResultOfAppEncryptionBox: { type: "GetInfo" } & ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxGetInfoVariant | { type: "Encrypt" } & ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxEncryptVariant | { type: "Decrypt" } & ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxDecryptVariant

                      Returning values from signing box callbacks.

                      Depends on type field.


                      Result of getting encryption box info


                      Result of encrypting data


                      Result of decrypting data

                      ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxDecryptVariant: { data: string }

                      Result of decrypting data

                      Type declaration

                      • data: string

                        Decrypted data, encoded in Base64

                      ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxEncryptVariant: { data: string }

                      Result of encrypting data

                      Type declaration

                      • data: string

                        Encrypted data, encoded in Base64

                      ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxGetInfoVariant: { info: EncryptionBoxInfo }

                      Result of getting encryption box info

                      Type declaration

                      ResultOfAppPasswordProvider: { type: "GetPassword" } & ResultOfAppPasswordProviderGetPasswordVariant

                      Depends on type field.

                      ResultOfAppPasswordProviderGetPasswordVariant: { app_encryption_pubkey: string; encrypted_password: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • app_encryption_pubkey: string

                        Hex encoded public key of a temporary key pair, used for password encryption on application side.


                        Used together with encryption_public_key to decode encrypted_password.

                      • encrypted_password: string

                        Password, encrypted and encoded to base64. Crypto box uses this password to decrypt its secret (seed phrase).

                      ResultOfAppSigningBox: { type: "GetPublicKey" } & ResultOfAppSigningBoxGetPublicKeyVariant | { type: "Sign" } & ResultOfAppSigningBoxSignVariant

                      Returning values from signing box callbacks.

                      Depends on type field.


                      Result of getting public key


                      Result of signing data

                      ResultOfAppSigningBoxGetPublicKeyVariant: { public_key: string }

                      Result of getting public key

                      Type declaration

                      • public_key: string

                        Signing box public key

                      ResultOfAppSigningBoxSignVariant: { signature: string }

                      Result of signing data

                      Type declaration

                      • signature: string

                        Data signature encoded as hex

                      ResultOfAttachSignature: { message: string; message_id: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • message: string

                        Signed message BOC

                      • message_id: string

                        Message ID

                      ResultOfAttachSignatureToMessageBody: { body: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • body: string
                      ResultOfBatchQuery: { results: any[] }

                      Type declaration

                      • results: any[]

                        Result values for batched queries.


                        Returns an array of values. Each value corresponds to queries item.

                      ResultOfBocCacheGet: { boc?: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • Optional boc?: string

                        BOC encoded as base64.

                      ResultOfBocCacheSet: { boc_ref: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • boc_ref: string

                        Reference to the cached BOC

                      ResultOfBuildInfo: { build_number: number; dependencies: BuildInfoDependency[] }

                      Type declaration

                      • build_number: number

                        Build number assigned to this build by the CI.

                      • dependencies: BuildInfoDependency[]

                        Fingerprint of the most important dependencies.

                      ResultOfCalcFunctionId: { function_id: number }

                      Type declaration

                      • function_id: number

                        Contract function ID

                      ResultOfCalcStorageFee: { fee: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • fee: string
                      ResultOfChaCha20: { data: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • data: string

                        Encrypted/decrypted data.


                        Encoded with base64.

                      ResultOfCompressZstd: { compressed: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • compressed: string

                        Compressed data.


                        Must be encoded as base64.

                      ResultOfConvertAddress: { address: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • address: string

                        Address in the specified format

                      ResultOfConvertPublicKeyToTonSafeFormat: { ton_public_key: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • ton_public_key: string

                        Public key represented in TON safe format.

                      ResultOfDecodeAccountData: { data: any }

                      Type declaration

                      • data: any

                        Decoded data as a JSON structure.

                      ResultOfDecodeBoc: { data: any }

                      Type declaration

                      • data: any

                        Decoded data as a JSON structure.

                      ResultOfDecodeInitialData: { initial_data: any; initial_pubkey: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • initial_data: any

                        List of initial values of contract's public variables.


                        Initial data is decoded if abi input parameter is provided

                      • initial_pubkey: string

                        Initial account owner's public key

                      ResultOfDecodeStateInit: { code?: string; code_depth?: number; code_hash?: string; compiler_version?: string; data?: string; data_depth?: number; data_hash?: string; library?: string; split_depth?: number; tick?: boolean; tock?: boolean }

                      Type declaration

                      • Optional code?: string

                        Contract code BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

                      • Optional code_depth?: number

                        Contract code depth

                      • Optional code_hash?: string

                        Contract code hash

                      • Optional compiler_version?: string

                        Compiler version, for example 'sol 0.49.0'

                      • Optional data?: string

                        Contract data BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

                      • Optional data_depth?: number

                        Contract data depth

                      • Optional data_hash?: string

                        Contract data hash

                      • Optional library?: string

                        Contract library BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

                      • Optional split_depth?: number

                        Is present and non-zero only in instances of large smart contracts

                      • Optional tick?: boolean

                        special.tick field.


                        Specifies the contract ability to handle tick transactions

                      • Optional tock?: boolean

                        special.tock field.


                        Specifies the contract ability to handle tock transactions

                      ResultOfDecodeTvc: { tvc: Tvc }

                      Type declaration

                      • tvc: Tvc

                        Decoded TVC

                      ResultOfDecompressZstd: { decompressed: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • decompressed: string

                        Decompressed data.


                        Must be encoded as base64.

                      ResultOfEncodeAccount: { account: string; id: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • account: string

                        Account BOC encoded in base64.

                      • id: string

                        Account ID encoded in hex.

                      ResultOfEncodeBoc: { boc: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • boc: string

                        Encoded cell BOC or BOC cache key.

                      ResultOfEncodeExternalInMessage: { message: string; message_id: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • message: string

                        Message BOC encoded with base64.

                      • message_id: string

                        Message id.

                      ResultOfEncodeInitialData: { data: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • data: string

                        Updated data BOC or BOC handle

                      ResultOfEncodeInternalMessage: { address: string; message: string; message_id: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • address: string

                        Destination address.

                      • message: string

                        Message BOC encoded with base64.

                      • message_id: string

                        Message id.

                      ResultOfEncodeMessage: { address: string; data_to_sign?: string; message: string; message_id: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • address: string

                        Destination address.

                      • Optional data_to_sign?: string

                        Optional data to be signed encoded in base64.


                        Returned in case of Signer::External. Can be used for external message signing. Is this case you need to use this data to create signature and then produce signed message using abi.attach_signature.

                      • message: string

                        Message BOC encoded with base64.

                      • message_id: string

                        Message id.

                      ResultOfEncodeMessageBody: { body: string; data_to_sign?: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • body: string

                        Message body BOC encoded with base64.

                      • Optional data_to_sign?: string

                        Optional data to sign.


                        Encoded with base64. Presents when message is unsigned. Can be used for external message signing. Is this case you need to sing this data and produce signed message using abi.attach_signature.

                      ResultOfEncodeStateInit: { state_init: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • state_init: string

                        Contract StateInit image BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle of boc_cache parameter was specified

                      ResultOfEncryptionBoxDecrypt: { data: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • data: string

                        Decrypted data, encoded in Base64.

                      ResultOfEncryptionBoxEncrypt: { data: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • data: string

                        Encrypted data, encoded in Base64.


                        Padded to cipher block size

                      ResultOfEncryptionBoxGetInfo: { info: EncryptionBoxInfo }

                      Type declaration

                      ResultOfFactorize: { factors: string[] }

                      Type declaration

                      • factors: string[]

                        Two factors of composite or empty if composite can't be factorized.

                      ResultOfFetch: { info: DebotInfo }

                      Type declaration

                      ResultOfFetchNextMonitorResults: { results: MessageMonitoringResult[] }

                      Type declaration

                      ResultOfFindLastShardBlock: { block_id: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • block_id: string

                        Account shard last block ID

                      ResultOfGenerateRandomBytes: { bytes: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • bytes: string

                        Generated bytes encoded in base64.

                      ResultOfGetAddressType: { address_type: AccountAddressType }

                      Type declaration

                      ResultOfGetApiReference: { api: any }

                      Type declaration

                      • api: any
                      ResultOfGetBlockchainConfig: { config_boc: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • config_boc: string

                        Blockchain config BOC encoded as base64

                      ResultOfGetBocDepth: { depth: number }

                      Type declaration

                      • depth: number

                        BOC root cell depth

                      ResultOfGetBocHash: { hash: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • hash: string

                        BOC root hash encoded with hex

                      ResultOfGetCodeFromTvc: { code: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • code: string

                        Contract code encoded as base64

                      ResultOfGetCodeSalt: { salt?: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • Optional salt?: string

                        Contract code salt if present.


                        BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

                      ResultOfGetCompilerVersion: { version?: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • Optional version?: string

                        Compiler version, for example 'sol 0.49.0'

                      ResultOfGetCryptoBoxInfo: { encrypted_secret: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • encrypted_secret: string

                        Secret (seed phrase) encrypted with salt and password.

                      ResultOfGetCryptoBoxSeedPhrase: { dictionary: MnemonicDictionary; phrase: string; wordcount: number }

                      Type declaration

                      ResultOfGetEndpoints: { endpoints: string[]; query: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • endpoints: string[]

                        List of all endpoints used by client

                      • query: string

                        Current query endpoint

                      ResultOfGetSignatureData: { signature: string; unsigned: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • signature: string

                        Signature from the message in hex.

                      • unsigned: string

                        Data to verify the signature in base64.

                      ResultOfGetSignatureId: { signature_id?: number }

                      Type declaration

                      • Optional signature_id?: number

                        Signature ID for configured network if it should be used in messages signature

                      ResultOfHDKeyDeriveFromXPrv: { xprv: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • xprv: string

                        Serialized extended private key

                      ResultOfHDKeyDeriveFromXPrvPath: { xprv: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • xprv: string

                        Derived serialized extended private key

                      ResultOfHDKeyPublicFromXPrv: { public: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • public: string

                        Public key - 64 symbols hex string

                      ResultOfHDKeySecretFromXPrv: { secret: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • secret: string

                        Private key - 64 symbols hex string

                      ResultOfHDKeyXPrvFromMnemonic: { xprv: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • xprv: string

                        Serialized extended master private key

                      ResultOfHash: { hash: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • hash: string

                        Hash of input data.


                        Encoded with 'hex'.

                      ResultOfIteratorNext: { has_more: boolean; items: any[]; resume_state?: any }

                      Type declaration

                      • has_more: boolean

                        Indicates that there are more available items in iterated range.

                      • items: any[]

                        Next available items.


                        Note that iterator_next can return an empty items and has_more equals to true. In this case the application have to continue iteration. Such situation can take place when there is no data yet but the requested end_time is not reached.

                      • Optional resume_state?: any

                        Optional iterator state that can be used for resuming iteration.


                        This field is returned only if the return_resume_state parameter is specified.

                        Note that resume_state corresponds to the iteration position after the returned items.

                      ResultOfMnemonicFromEntropy: { phrase: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • phrase: string


                      ResultOfMnemonicFromRandom: { phrase: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • phrase: string

                        String of mnemonic words

                      ResultOfMnemonicVerify: { valid: boolean }

                      Type declaration

                      • valid: boolean

                        Flag indicating if the mnemonic is valid or not

                      ResultOfMnemonicWords: { words: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • words: string

                        The list of mnemonic words

                      ResultOfModularPower: { modular_power: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • modular_power: string

                        Result of modular exponentiation

                      ResultOfNaclBox: { encrypted: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • encrypted: string

                        Encrypted data encoded in base64.

                      ResultOfNaclBoxOpen: { decrypted: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • decrypted: string

                        Decrypted data encoded in base64.

                      ResultOfNaclSign: { signed: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • signed: string

                        Signed data, encoded in base64.

                      ResultOfNaclSignDetached: { signature: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • signature: string

                        Signature encoded in hex.

                      ResultOfNaclSignDetachedVerify: { succeeded: boolean }

                      Type declaration

                      • succeeded: boolean

                        true if verification succeeded or false if it failed

                      ResultOfNaclSignOpen: { unsigned: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • unsigned: string

                        Unsigned data, encoded in base64.

                      ResultOfParse: { parsed: any }

                      Type declaration

                      • parsed: any

                        JSON containing parsed BOC

                      ResultOfProcessMessage: { decoded?: DecodedOutput; fees: TransactionFees; out_messages: string[]; transaction: any }

                      Type declaration

                      • Optional decoded?: DecodedOutput

                        Optional decoded message bodies according to the optional abi parameter.

                      • fees: TransactionFees

                        Transaction fees

                      • out_messages: string[]

                        List of output messages' BOCs.


                        Encoded as base64

                      • transaction: any

                        Parsed transaction.


                        In addition to the regular transaction fields there is a boc field encoded with base64 which contains source transaction BOC.

                      ResultOfQuery: { result: any }

                      Type declaration

                      • result: any

                        Result provided by DAppServer.

                      ResultOfQueryCollection: { result: any[] }

                      Type declaration

                      • result: any[]

                        Objects that match the provided criteria

                      ResultOfQueryTransactionTree: { messages: MessageNode[]; transactions: TransactionNode[] }

                      Type declaration

                      ResultOfRunExecutor: { account: string; decoded?: DecodedOutput; fees: TransactionFees; out_messages: string[]; transaction: any }

                      Type declaration

                      • account: string

                        Updated account state BOC.


                        Encoded as base64

                      • Optional decoded?: DecodedOutput

                        Optional decoded message bodies according to the optional abi parameter.

                      • fees: TransactionFees

                        Transaction fees

                      • out_messages: string[]

                        List of output messages' BOCs.


                        Encoded as base64

                      • transaction: any

                        Parsed transaction.


                        In addition to the regular transaction fields there is a boc field encoded with base64 which contains source transaction BOC.

                      ResultOfRunGet: { output: any }

                      Type declaration

                      • output: any

                        Values returned by get-method on stack

                      ResultOfRunTvm: { account: string; decoded?: DecodedOutput; out_messages: string[] }

                      Type declaration

                      • account: string

                        Updated account state BOC.


                        Encoded as base64. Attention! Only account_state.storage.state.data part of the BOC is updated.

                      • Optional decoded?: DecodedOutput

                        Optional decoded message bodies according to the optional abi parameter.

                      • out_messages: string[]

                        List of output messages' BOCs.


                        Encoded as base64

                      ResultOfScrypt: { key: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • key: string

                        Derived key.


                        Encoded with hex.

                      ResultOfSendMessage: { sending_endpoints: string[]; shard_block_id: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • sending_endpoints: string[]

                        The list of endpoints to which the message was sent.


                        This list id must be used as a parameter of the wait_for_transaction.

                      • shard_block_id: string

                        The last generated shard block of the message destination account before the message was sent.


                        This block id must be used as a parameter of the wait_for_transaction.

                      ResultOfSendMessages: { messages: MessageMonitoringParams[] }

                      Type declaration

                      ResultOfSetCodeSalt: { code: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • code: string

                        Contract code with salt set.


                        BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

                      ResultOfSign: { signature: string; signed: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • signature: string

                        Signature encoded in hex.

                      • signed: string

                        Signed data combined with signature encoded in base64.

                      ResultOfSigningBoxGetPublicKey: { pubkey: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • pubkey: string

                        Public key of signing box.


                        Encoded with hex

                      ResultOfSigningBoxSign: { signature: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • signature: string

                        Data signature.


                        Encoded with hex.

                      ResultOfSubscribeCollection: { handle: number }

                      Type declaration

                      • handle: number

                        Subscription handle.


                        Must be closed with unsubscribe

                      ResultOfTonCrc16: { crc: number }

                      Type declaration

                      • crc: number

                        Calculated CRC for input data.

                      ResultOfUpdateInitialData: { data: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • data: string

                        Updated data BOC or BOC handle

                      ResultOfVerifySignature: { unsigned: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • unsigned: string

                        Unsigned data encoded in base64.

                      ResultOfVersion: { version: string }

                      Type declaration

                      • version: string

                        Core Library version

                      ResultOfWaitForCollection: { result: any }

                      Type declaration

                      • result: any

                        First found object that matches the provided criteria

                      Signer: { type: "None" } & SignerNoneVariant | { type: "External" } & SignerExternalVariant | { type: "Keys" } & SignerKeysVariant | { type: "SigningBox" } & SignerSigningBoxVariant

                      Depends on type field.


                      No keys are provided.


                      Only public key is provided in unprefixed hex string format to generate unsigned message and data_to_sign which can be signed later.


                      Key pair is provided for signing


                      Signing Box interface is provided for signing, allows Dapps to sign messages using external APIs, such as HSM, cold wallet, etc.

                      SignerExternalVariant: { public_key: string }

                      Only public key is provided in unprefixed hex string format to generate unsigned message and data_to_sign which can be signed later.

                      Type declaration

                      • public_key: string
                      SignerKeysVariant: { keys: KeyPair }

                      Key pair is provided for signing

                      Type declaration

                      SignerNoneVariant: {}

                      No keys are provided.


                      Creates an unsigned message.

                      Type declaration

                        SignerSigningBoxVariant: { handle: SigningBoxHandle }

                        Signing Box interface is provided for signing, allows Dapps to sign messages using external APIs, such as HSM, cold wallet, etc.

                        Type declaration

                        SigningBoxHandle: number
                        Spending: { amount: bigint; dst: string }

                        UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Describes how much funds will be debited from the target contract balance as a result of the transaction.

                        Type declaration

                        • amount: bigint

                          Amount of nanotokens that will be sent to dst address.

                        • dst: string

                          Destination address of recipient of funds.

                        TransactionFees: { account_fees: bigint; ext_in_msg_fee: bigint; gas_fee: bigint; in_msg_fwd_fee: bigint; out_msgs_fwd_fee: bigint; storage_fee: bigint; total_account_fees: bigint; total_fwd_fees: bigint; total_output: bigint }

                        Type declaration

                        • account_fees: bigint

                          Total account fees for the transaction execution. Compounds of storage_fee + gas_fee + ext_in_msg_fee + total_fwd_fees

                        • ext_in_msg_fee: bigint

                          Fee for inbound external message import.

                        • gas_fee: bigint

                          Fee for processing

                        • in_msg_fwd_fee: bigint



                          Contains the same data as ext_in_msg_fee field

                        • out_msgs_fwd_fee: bigint



                          Contains the same data as total_fwd_fees field. Deprecated because of its confusing name, that is not the same with GraphQL API Transaction type's field.

                        • storage_fee: bigint

                          Fee for account storage

                        • total_account_fees: bigint



                          Contains the same data as account_fees field

                        • total_fwd_fees: bigint

                          Total fees the account pays for message forwarding

                        • total_output: bigint

                          Deprecated because it means total value sent in the transaction, which does not relate to any fees.

                        TransactionNode: { aborted: boolean; account_addr: string; exit_code?: number; id: string; in_msg: string; out_msgs: string[]; total_fees: string }

                        Type declaration

                        • aborted: boolean

                          Aborted flag.

                        • account_addr: string

                          Account address.

                        • Optional exit_code?: number

                          Compute phase exit code.

                        • id: string

                          Transaction id.

                        • in_msg: string

                          In message id.

                        • out_msgs: string[]

                          Out message ids.

                        • total_fees: string

                          Transactions total fees.

                        Tvc: { type: "V1" } & TvcV1Variant

                        Depends on type field.

                        TvcV1: { code?: string; description?: string }

                        Type declaration

                        • Optional code?: string
                        • Optional description?: string
                        TvcV1Variant: { value: TvcV1 }

                        Type declaration


                        • abiHandle(value: number): Abi
                        • abiJson(value: string): Abi
                        • builderOpInteger(size: number, value: any): BuilderOp
                        • debotActivityTransaction(msg: string, dst: string, out: Spending[], fee: bigint, setcode: boolean, signkey: string, signing_box_handle: number): DebotActivity
                        • processingEventDidSend(shard_block_id: string, message_id: string, message_dst: string, message: string): ProcessingEvent
                        • processingEventFetchNextBlockFailed(shard_block_id: string, message_id: string, message_dst: string, message: string, error: ClientError): ProcessingEvent
                        • processingEventRempIncludedIntoAcceptedBlock(message_id: string, message_dst: string, timestamp: bigint, json: any): ProcessingEvent
                        • processingEventRempIncludedIntoBlock(message_id: string, message_dst: string, timestamp: bigint, json: any): ProcessingEvent
                        • processingEventRempOther(message_id: string, message_dst: string, timestamp: bigint, json: any): ProcessingEvent
                        • processingEventRempSentToValidators(message_id: string, message_dst: string, timestamp: bigint, json: any): ProcessingEvent
                        • processingEventSendFailed(shard_block_id: string, message_id: string, message_dst: string, message: string, error: ClientError): ProcessingEvent
                        • processingEventWillFetchFirstBlock(message_id: string, message_dst: string): ProcessingEvent
                        • processingEventWillFetchNextBlock(shard_block_id: string, message_id: string, message_dst: string, message: string): ProcessingEvent
                        • processingEventWillSend(shard_block_id: string, message_id: string, message_dst: string, message: string): ProcessingEvent
                        • signerExternal(public_key: string): Signer
                        • signerSigningBox(handle: number): Signer

                        Generated using TypeDoc