Flex exchange system
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Cauth_cfgAuthentification configuration flags
 Cbind_infoBinding to allow orders only to specific flex root and with specific unsalted PriceXchg code hash
 CBurnInfoBurn parameters for each wallet in burnThemAll
 CDAuthIndexAuthIndex persistent data struct
 Cdealer::deal_resultResult of make_deal
 CdealerClass for iterating queue and processing deals
 Cdetails_infoTONTokenWallet details info (for getter)
 CDFlexFlex persistent data struct
 CDFlexClient1FlexClient persistent data struct
 CDFlexClientStubFlexClientStub persistent data struct
 CDGlobalConfigGlobalConfig persistent data struct
 CDPriceXchgPriceXchg persistent data struct
 CDRootTokenContractRootTokenContract persistent data struct
 CDSuperRootSuperRoot persistent data struct
 CDSuperRootOwnerSuperRootOwner persistent data struct
 CDTONTokenWalletTONTokenWallet persistent data struct
 CDUserDataConfigUserDataConfig persistent data struct
 CDUserIdIndexUserIdIndex persistent data struct
 CDWICWrapper Index Contract persistent data struct
 CDWrappersConfigWrappersConfig persistent data struct
 CDXchgPairXchgPair persistent data struct
 CEAuthIndexAuthIndex events interface
 CEFlexFlex events interface
 CEFlexClientFlexClient events interface
 CEFlexClientStubFlexClientStub events interface
 CEGlobalConfigGlobalConfig events interface
 CEPriceXchgPriceXchg events interface
 CERootTokenContractRootTokenContract events interface
 CESuperRootSuperRoot events interface
 CESuperRootOwnerSuperRootOwner events interface
 CETONTokenWalletTONTokenWallet events interface
 CEUserDataConfigUserDataConfig events interface
 CEUserIdIndexUserIdIndex events interface
 CEversConfigProcessing native funds value ..
 CEWICWrapper Index Contract events interface
 CEWrappersConfigWrappersConfig events interface
 CEXchgPairXchgPair events interface
 Cexpecter< IWrappersConfig, DWrappersConfig >Calculate expected hash from StateInit (contract deploy address). Using code_hash and code_depth
 CFlexClientDetailsFlexClient details (for getter)
 CFlexDetailsFlex root details (for getter)
 CFlexOwnershipInfoOwnership info for Flex root
 CFlexSaltFlex configuration structure (stored in code salt)
 CFlexTransferPayloadArgsNotification payload for wallet->transferWithNotify()
 CFlexVersionFlex version triplet
 CGlobalConfigDetailsGlobalConfig details for getter
 CGlobalConfigSaltGlobalConfig configuration in code salt
 CIAuthIndexAuthIndex contract interface. Auth index is a contract that helps dApp find user_id and FlexClient address by dApp_pubkey. Auth index contains dApp_pubkey as static data and UserIDIndex address as data. UserIDIndex contract is the owner of Auth Index
 CIFlexFlex root contract interface. Flex is a root contract for exchange system
 CIFlexClientFlexClient is client contract for Flex
 CIFlexClientStubFlexClientStub is a placement contract to be setcoded to an actual FlexClient
 CIFlexNotifyNotifications to AMM about orders
 CIGlobalConfigGlobalConfig contract interface. GlobalConfig is an immutable "current version update config" contract
 CIPriceCallbackNotifications to a client about orders
 CIPriceXchgPriceXchg contract interface
 CIRootTokenContractTip3 token root contract interface. RootTokenContract is a root contract for tip3 token
 CISuperRootSuperRoot contract interface. SuperRoot is an immutable flex super root contract, persistent through updates
 CISuperRootOwnerSuperRootOwner contract interface. SuperRootOwner is an owning contract for SuperRoot. First version just proxying external pubkey access into internal command messages to the SuperRoot
 CITONTokenWalletTON Token wallet contract interface
 CITONTokenWalletNotifyTON Token wallet notification callback interface
 CIUserDataConfigUserDataConfig contract interface
 CIUserIdIndexUserIdIndex contract interface. There is no way to understand which wallets were created for some FlexClient. So we need UserID Index for it. This contract contains FlexClient address in code salt and we can find all such contracts for specified FlexClient by code hash. It can be deployed only by its corresponding FlexClient
 CIWICWrapper Index Contract interface. WIC is a contract to index (enumerate) wrappers
 CIWrapperWrapper contract interface
 CIWrapperEverWrapperEver contract interface
 CIWrappersConfigWrappersConfig contract interface. WrappersConfig keeps wrappers configuration for specific token version
 CIXchgPairXchgPair contract interface
 Clend_ownerLend ownership record (for usage in address->lend_owner_record map)
 Clend_owner_array_recordLend ownership array record (for usage in getter)
 Clend_owner_keyComplex key for lend owners mapping
 COrderInfoXchgTip3-tip3 exchange order info
 COrderRetNotification struct about order to a client
 Corders_queueOrders queue to keep orders and common state (tokens amount)
 Corders_queue_cachedWorking version of orders_queue with cached head order
 CPairCloneEversEvers configuration for pair clone procedure
 CPairsRangeFlex pairs list
 Cpreparer< IAuthIndex, DAuthIndex >Prepare StateInit struct and std address to deploy AuthIndex contract
 Cpreparer< IFlex, DFlex >Prepare Flex StateInit structure and expected contract address (hash from StateInit)
 Cpreparer< IFlexClientStub, DFlexClientStub >Prepare StateInit struct and std address to deploy FlexClientStub contract
 Cpreparer< IGlobalConfig, DGlobalConfig >Prepare StateInit struct and std address to deploy GlobalConfig contract
 Cpreparer< IPriceXchg, DPriceXchg >Prepare StateInit struct and std address to deploy PriceXchg contract
 Cpreparer< IRootTokenContract, DRootTokenContract >Prepare Root StateInit structure and expected contract address (hash from StateInit)
 Cpreparer< ISuperRoot, DSuperRoot >Prepare StateInit struct and std address to deploy SuperRoot contract
 Cpreparer< IUserDataConfig, DUserDataConfig >Prepare StateInit struct and std address to deploy UserDataConfig contract
 Cpreparer< IUserIdIndex, DUserIdIndex >Prepare StateInit struct and std address to deploy UserIdIndex contract
 Cpreparer< IWIC, DWIC >Prepare StateInit struct and std address to deploy WIC contract
 Cpreparer< IWrapper, DWrapper >Prepare Wrapper StateInit structure and expected contract address (hash from StateInit)
 Cpreparer< IWrapperEver, DWrapper >Prepare WrapperEver StateInit structure and expected contract address (hash from StateInit)
 Cpreparer< IWrappersConfig, DWrappersConfig >Prepare StateInit struct and std address to deploy WrappersConfig contract
 Cpreparer< IXchgPair, DXchgPair >Prepare Exchange Pair StateInit structure and expected contract address (hash from StateInit)
 CPriceXchgDetailsPriceXchg contract details (for getter)
 CPriceXchgSaltPrice configuration data (common for prices of one pair). Stored in code salt
 Cprocess_queue_stateProcessing orders queue state for PriceXchg
 Cdealer::process_resultResult of process() call
 CRationalValueRational value - numerator/denominator
 CSuperRootDetailsSuperRoot details for getter
 CSuperRootOwnerDetailsSuperRootOwner details for getter
 CUserDataConfigDetailsUserDataConfig details for getter
 CUserDataConfigSaltUserDataConfig configuration in code salt
 CUserIdIndexSaltUserIdIndex configuration data (code salt)
 CWICCloneEversEvers configuration for clone procedure
 CWICDetailsWIC details for getter
 CWICSaltWrapper Index Contract configuration in code salt
 CWrapperDeployerWrapper deployer info
 CWrappersConfigDetailsWrappersConfig details for getter
 CWrappersConfigSaltWrappersConfig configuration in code salt
 Cxchg_iteratorTip3/tip3 exchange orders iterator
 CXchgPairDetailsXchgPair details (for getter)
 CXchgPairSaltXchgPair configuration structure (stored in salt)