Flex exchange system
Public Attributes | List of all members
FlexSalt Struct Reference

Flex configuration structure (stored in code salt) More...

#include <FlexSalt.hpp>

Collaboration diagram for FlexSalt:
Collaboration graph

Public Attributes

address super_root
 SuperRoot address.
EversConfig ev_cfg
 Processing costs configuration of Flex in native funds (evers).
uint8 deals_limit
 Limit for processed deals in one request.
cell xchg_pair_code
 Code of XchgPair contract (unsalted).
cell xchg_price_code
 Code of PriceXchg contract (unsalted).

Detailed Description

Flex configuration structure (stored in code salt)

Member Data Documentation

◆ deals_limit

uint8 deals_limit

Limit for processed deals in one request.

◆ ev_cfg

EversConfig ev_cfg

Processing costs configuration of Flex in native funds (evers).

◆ super_root

address super_root

SuperRoot address.

◆ xchg_pair_code

cell xchg_pair_code

Code of XchgPair contract (unsalted).

◆ xchg_price_code

cell xchg_price_code

Code of PriceXchg contract (unsalted).

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: